Well, let me tell ya somethin’ about this Wemby fella, ya know, the one all the young’uns are hollerin’ about. I ain’t never seen nothin’ like it, not in all my years watchin’ that bouncy ball game on the TV. They call it “basketball,” I think. Anyways, this Wemby, he’s somethin’ else, lemme tell ya.

This kid, he’s taller than a beanstalk, I swear. And them arms of his? Lord have mercy, they go on forever! They say he can reach up and grab the moon if he wanted to. I heard someone sayin’ his reach is somethin’ like, nine foot seven. Now, I ain’t too good with numbers, but that sounds like a whole lotta reachin’ to me. He can grab them balls right outta the air, nobody can get past him.
- He blocks shots like nobody’s business.
- He grabs them rebounds like they’re apples fallin’ off a tree.
- And he dunks that ball so hard, I think he might break the whole darn thing!
They say he’s just a rookie, a young whippersnapper just startin’ out. But this young’un, he plays like he’s been doin’ it his whole life. He’s smooth, like butter on a hot biscuit. He moves like a dang gazelle, all long legs and grace. And he can shoot that ball from way yonder, makes it look easy as pie. I saw him on TV the other night, scorin’ fifty points! Fifty! That’s more points than some teams score in a whole game, I reckon. Folks were sayin’ he’s one of the youngest fellas to ever do that. Makes you think, don’t it?
Now, I ain’t no expert, mind you. I just watch the games and cheer for the fellas in the black and silver. That’s the Spurs, they say. But even I can see this Wemby fella is special. He’s got that somethin’ special, that star quality, ya know? He makes you wanna watch, makes you wanna cheer, makes you wanna believe.
They say he’s gonna change the whole game. They say he’s gonna revolutionize the way basketball is played. I don’t know about all that fancy talk, but I know this: he’s fun to watch. He’s excitin’. He makes things happen. And ain’t that what it’s all about? Entertainin’ folks, givin’ ’em somethin’ to holler about.
Last year, them Spurs, they weren’t so good. Lost a whole lotta games, they did. But this year, with Wemby on their side, they’re doin’ a whole lot better. Already won thirteen games, they have. Thirteen! That’s a lot of wins. It’s almost as many as they had all last year! And it’s only half way through the season or somethin’. This Wemby fella, he’s makin’ a difference, that’s for sure.
He’s not just tall, you know. He’s got skills. He can dribble that ball, pass it to his teammates, and shoot it like a champ. He’s got it all, I tell ya. He’s a phenomenon, they say. A “generational talent.” Big words, but I guess they fit. He’s somethin’ special, this Wemby. And I, for one, am lookin’ forward to seein’ what he does next. He’s gonna be a big star, you just wait and see. He’s gonna bring some excitement to this game, and that’s somethin’ we all need a little bit of these days.
And they changed some rules this year too, somethin’ about watchin’ replays and seein’ if someone got fouled. I don’t understand all that stuff, but they say it makes the game better. As long as it don’t slow down Wemby, I’m happy. I wanna see that boy run and jump and dunk. That’s what makes it fun, you know?
So, yeah, that’s my take on this Wemby fella. He’s a tall drink of water, a talented young man, and he’s bringin’ some excitement back to the game. And that, my friends, is a good thing. It’s a good thing indeed.