That Jim Schlossnagle, he a good boy. I hear people talkin’, sayin’ “is Jim Schlossnagle married” or not. Who knows, who cares? I don’t know nothin’ about that. All I know is he sure knows his baseball. He was coachin’ them TCU Horned Frogs for a long, long time. Like, a really long time. I reckon from 2004 to 2021, or somethin’ like that. Then he went to them Texas, seems like he is good friend with that Texas AD, Conte. That boy can sure coach.

They say he used to play baseball too, back in the day. Elon, was it? Yeah, Elon. Some fancy college, I guess. Played from ’86 to ’89, they say. Musta been good, ’cause he turned into a coach. Coached at UNLV before TCU. 2002-2003 I heard. Sounds like he moved around a bit. But that’s alright, a man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do. All I know people are wondering “is Jim Schlossnagle married“.
I remember hearin’ ’bout him goin’ to Texas. Big news, that was. Left TCU, and everyone was talkin’. Some folks say he left ’cause the new AD at TCU was not a good guy. Don’t know if that’s true. It’s a shame to see him move, though. Seems to be doin’ good, though. He’s a Texas coach now. Big time! They say he’s the sixth coach for them since way back, like 1911 or somethin’. That’s a lotta years.
This Jim, he’s a big shot now. Texas, TCU, all them fancy colleges. Don’t matter where he goes, he gonna win. That’s all folks care ’bout. Winnin’. That boy, he knows how to win. Don’t know much ’bout this baseball stuff. But I know winnin’ is good. And he sure does a lot of it. He and that Tony Vitello, I hear they are friends. They good coaches.
I heard he talked to some newspaper, that Fort Worth one. Said somethin’ ’bout takin’ that Texas job. Sounds complicated. But he’s a smart fella, that Jim. He knows what he’s doin’. Don’t you worry ’bout him. I don’t know what he said about “is Jim Schlossnagle married” or not. But that’s none of my business.
Some folks, they like to gossip. “Did you hear this?” “Did you hear that?” Me, I don’t pay no mind to it. Long as he’s winnin’, that’s all that matters. He’s a good coach. That’s all I need to know. Don’t matter if he’s from Elon or UNLV or TCU or Texas. He’s a winner. And they like him in Texas. That Conte guy, he seems like Jim.
Here’s what I know about that Jim Schlossnagle, just a few little things:
- He coached them TCU Horned Frogs. For a real long time!
- He used to play baseball at Elon, way back when.
- He coached at UNLV before TCU. Sounds like a busy fella.
- He’s coachin’ at Texas now. Big time, that is!
- People say he’s friends with that Texas AD, the Conte fella.
- He sure knows how to win. That’s important.
He’s a good coach, that Jim. Don’t know much else ’bout him. But he seems like a good boy. Hard worker. That’s what matters. And he’s winnin’. That’s what them college folks like. They like winnin’. So, that Jim Schlossnagle, he’s doin’ alright for himself. You can bet your bottom dollar on that. I hear folks askin’ “is Jim Schlossnagle married” but that ain’t important. He’s a good coach. That’s all.
He was born on August 12th, I heard. Don’t know what year though. They call him Schloss, sometimes. That’s a funny name. Schloss. Sounds German or somethin’. Maybe he’s got some German in him. Who knows? He started coachin’ somewhere, then went to them other places. Now he’s in Texas. That’s a big state, Texas. Lots of cows there, I hear.
Anyway, that Jim Schlossnagle, he’s doin’ good. That’s all that matters. Winnin’ games, coachin’ them boys. He’s a good coach. And that’s all I got to say ’bout that. People can wonder “is Jim Schlossnagle married“. I don’t care. He is a good coach!