Okay, so I got curious about Aaron Gordon’s net worth the other day. You know, just one of those random thoughts that pop into your head. I figured, “Hey, he’s a big NBA star, must be raking it in, right?” So I started digging.

My Little Investigation
First, I jumped onto Google. Just a simple search, you know? “Aaron Gordon net worth.” Boom! A bunch of websites popped up. Most of them were those celebrity net worth sites, you know the kind.
I started clicking around. The numbers were all over the place! Some sites said one thing, others said something completely different. It was kinda frustrating, to be honest. I mean, how hard is it to get a straight answer?
So, I decided to be a bit more thorough. I looked at a few different sites, trying to find some consistency. I figured if multiple sites were saying roughly the same thing, it was probably closer to the truth.
- I checked a couple of sports news sites.
- I even looked on some finance websites.
After all my poking around, I found a bit of an * general thinking from a couple of places with a good reputation was that he’s worth around $40 million. This makes sense with his career, and his popularity on and off the court.
Anyway, That is all that I can say about this topic, hope it is informative for you guys, and I’ll see you in the next one!