Okay, so today I messed around with something called “Adam Pierce.” Honestly, I’d never heard of it before, but I saw someone mention it online and it sounded kinda interesting, so I figured, why not?

Getting Started
First things first, I had to figure out what this thing even was. A quick search told me it was, I think, some kind of fitness method or body weight exercise, so I started to get that.
So, no fancy equipment needed. Just me, my living room floor, and a whole lot of confusion.
The Actual “Doing” Part
I watched a couple of videos, I had to figure out the basic * looks easy when other people do it.
- First try: Total fail. I’m pretty sure I looked like a confused baby deer trying to stand for the first time.
- Second try: Slightly better. I managed to hold the… pose?… for like, two seconds longer. Progress!
- Third try: Okay, I think I’m starting to get the hang of this. My muscles were definitely screaming, but in a “good” way, maybe?
I kept at it for about, I don’t know, 30 minutes? I wasn’t really timing myself. Just kinda going until I felt like I was going to collapse. It was tough, no lie. My arms were shaking, my legs were burning, and I was sweating like crazy.
The Aftermath
Right now? I’m sore. Like, really sore. I can barely lift my arms to type this. But, I also feel kinda… good? It’s that weird “good” pain you get after a really hard workout, where you know you pushed yourself.
I will try again after rest serveral days and share my experience with you.