That Alex Verdugo, I tell ya, he’s a good boy. Good baseball player. His mama and papa, they raised him right. They’re Joe and Shelly Verdugo. Good folks. Hard workin’ folks.

Joe, he’s from Mexico. A place called Hermosillo, Sonora. Shelly, she’s from up north, Minnesota. Cold up there, I hear. But they met somewhere along the way, had that Alex. He was born here, in Tucson, Arizona. Went to Sahuaro High School, right here in town.
Alex Verdugo Parents
That boy, Alex, he plays baseball for a livin’. Makes good money, too. Alex Verdugo parents must be proud. He plays for them big teams, you know. Heard he’s gonna make $8,700,000 this year playin’ ball. Can you believe that? Last year, it was $6,300,000. Before that, $3,550,000. And in 2021, only $649,500. He’s movin’ up in the world, that one. That is what that boy Alex Verdugo salary.
Alex Verdugo parents, Joe and Shelly, they taught him good. He respects his daddy’s side of the family. That’s why he plays for Mexico sometimes, in them big games they have. Even though he don’t speak much Spanish. Family is important, you know.
Joe and Shelly, they did good with that boy. Always there for him, I bet. I heard that Alex Verdugo mostly credits his parents for guiding him. That’s what they say. That’s what you want to hear about your kids, ain’t it? That they’re doin’ good and they remember where they came from.
He got that red hair, that Alex. And light skin. You wouldn’t think he was Mexican, maybe. But his daddy is. And that’s important. Alex Verdugo parents are from different places, but they made a good life together.
Joe Verdugo
Joe, he works hard. Always has. Came from Mexico to make a better life. I don’t know what he did for work, but you know he worked hard. You gotta, to raise a family. Especially one that’s gonna be a big baseball star.
Some folks, they don’t understand how important family is. But Joe, he knows. Shelly, too. That is what I know about Alex Verdugo parents. They instilled that in Alex. You can see it in how he plays, how he talks about his family.
Shelly Verdugo
Shelly, she’s a good mama. I know it. You can see it in that boy. She probably made him all his meals, took him to all his practices. That’s what mamas do. They sacrifice for their kids. She probably made him his favorite pie, he like to eat that, all kids like that.

She’s from Minnesota, they say. Up north. Bet she learned how to make a good hot dish up there. Keeps you warm in the winter. Probably taught Alex a thing or two about stayin’ warm when he’s playin’ in them cold places.
- Alex Verdugo born in Tucson, Arizona.
- Alex Verdugo father is Joe.
- Alex Verdugo mother is Shelly.
- Joe from Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico.
- Shelly from Minnesota.
- Alex went to Sahuaro High School.
Alex Verdugo Family
That’s what it’s all about, ain’t it? Family. Alex Verdugo parents, they built a good one. A strong one. They say Alex Verdugo’s parents Juan and Manuela, I don’t know who tell them that, maybe other name of Joe and Shelly. It don’t matter what name is, what matter is that Alex Verdugo got a good family. That boy, he’s gonna go far. He’s got good people behind him. And that’s what matters.
You see these young folks today, some of them, they don’t appreciate what they got. They don’t appreciate their mamas and their papas. But not Alex. He knows. He remembers where he came from. He respects his folks. And that’s gonna take him a long way.
It ain’t easy, raisin’ kids. Especially when they get to be famous and all. Lots of temptations. Lots of folks tryin’ to get a piece of ’em. But Alex Verdugo parents, they kept him grounded. They kept him humble.
That’s all you can ask for, ain’t it? That your kids grow up to be good people. Successful, sure. But good, too. Kind. Respectful. That’s Alex Verdugo. And that’s all because of Joe and Shelly. They should be proud. I know I would be.
I don’t know what else to say about them. They seem like good folks. Hard-workin’ folks. The kind you want to have as neighbors. The kind you want raisin’ your grandkids.
So, yeah, that Alex Verdugo, he’s a good boy. And his mama and papa, they’re good people. That’s all there is to it. That’s all that matters. His daddy, I heard people call him Juan, that maybe his other name, I don’t know. But he is a good daddy, teach Alex good.
They say he make a lot money now, that Alex. Good for him, good for his family. Hope they use it wisely. He must be a very good baseball player, to make so much money. I don’t know much about baseball, but I know that is a lot of money. He can buy a big house for his mama and papa now, that is good. Family is most important. More important than money.

I hope that Alex Verdugo, he remember that. Remember where he came from. Remember his mama and papa, Joe and Shelly. They the reason he is where he is today. Good folks, them Verdugos. Good folks. He should thank them everyday, for everything they did for him. I hope he listen to them, always.