Justin Jefferson Team Names: Show Your Vikings Pride
Alright, let’s talk about this Justin Jefferson fella and some names for your, you know, football team. I ain’t no...
Alright, let’s talk about this Justin Jefferson fella and some names for your, you know, football team. I ain’t no...
Alright, so you wanna know about this Cody Rhodes fella and his kids, huh? Well, let me tell ya what...
Well, hey there, y’all! Let’s chew the fat about this fella, this… uh… Chiefs quarterback, yeah, that’s right, Dawson. Folks...
Alright, let’s talk about them football clubs, Blackburn Rovers and Newcastle United. I ain’t no fancy expert, but I’ve seen...
Alright, so you wanna know how much Munguia got paid tonight, huh? Well, lemme tell ya, it ain’t somethin’ they...
Alright, let’s talk about this Heidi Northcott, eh? I heard some folks whisperin’ about her, so I figured I’d spill...
Well, let me tell you ’bout these two fellas, Danny Granger and Darren Collison. They played that basketball, you know,...
Well now, let’s talk about this fella, Conor McGregor, and his hair. You know, the fighting guy? Always yelling and...
Alright, let’s talk about them strikeout thingamajigs in baseball today, you know, the best strikeout props. So, you wanna know...
今儿个咱来唠唠那个啥子“ariel2 overwatch” ,我也不懂是啥洋玩意儿,反正大孙子整天念叨。听他说是个打枪的游戏,还挺热闹。 这游戏是干啥的? 我听大孙子说,这游戏就是一堆人,分成两伙,互相biubiubiu的打。跟咱过年放炮仗似的,只不过这炮仗能打人,还老刺激了。说是能选好多人物,每个都有自己的绝活。有的跑得飞快,有的能放盾牌挡子弹,还有的能biubiubiu打出好多炮弹,厉害着呢! 听说这游戏还能在电脑上玩,还能在啥子“PS4”、“Xbox One”上玩,我也不懂,反正就是好多机器都能玩。 大孙子还说,这游戏叫啥“守望先锋2”,说是2022年就出来了,到现在还有不少人玩呢。 这游戏有啥好玩的? 我问大孙子,这游戏有啥好玩的,整天就知道抱着个电脑。他说可好玩了!能跟朋友一起打,还能跟不认识的人打。赢了就高兴,输了就再来。就像咱打牌一样,输赢不重要,重要的是热闹! 这游戏里头的人物也多,花里胡哨的。大孙子给我看过几个,说是有的长得像机器人,有的像动物,还有的像人。反正都挺好看的,就是有点不像正经人。 这游戏难不难? 我问大孙子,这游戏难不难,我这老胳膊老腿的能不能玩。大孙子笑我说,奶奶你就算了吧,这游戏要手快眼疾的,你玩不来。说是得会瞄准,会躲子弹,还得会放技能。反正挺复杂的,我听着就头疼。 这游戏花钱不? 这年头,啥东西都得花钱。我问大孙子,这游戏花钱不,要是太贵了咱可玩不起。大孙子说,这游戏不要钱也能玩,就是有些东西得花钱买。我说那能不花钱就不花钱,咱,挣点钱不容易。 这游戏能干啥? 我问大孙子,玩这游戏能干啥,能当饭吃还是能当衣穿。大孙子说,啥也不能干,就是个玩。我说那你还玩这么起劲,有那时间还不如多帮我干点活。大孙子嘿嘿一笑,说奶奶你不懂,这叫放松心情。 总结 说了这么多,我还是不太懂这个“ariel2 overwatch”是啥玩意儿。反正就是个打枪的游戏,年轻人爱玩。我也老了,玩不来这些新鲜玩意儿。只要大孙子高兴,我也就随他去了。不过话说回来,这游戏可别耽误了他学习,不然我可饶不了他!...
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