Okay, so today I decided to mess around with a baseball guessing game, you know, the grid kind. It seemed like a fun little project, and I wanted to see if I could put my own spin on it.

Getting Started
First, I needed to figure out the basic structure. It’s a grid, right? So, I thought about how to represent that. I could use a table, maybe, or just a bunch of divs. I went with divs, seemed simpler at the time.
I started by sketching out a 3×3 grid on a piece of paper, just to visualize it. Then, I created nine div elements, gave them some basic styling – borders, a little padding, you know, just to make it look like a grid.
The Data
Next, the players. I needed to think about how to store the player data. I could hardcode it, but that seemed messy. So, I figured a simple JavaScript object would do the trick. Something like:
- player1: { name: “Babe Ruth”, team: “Yankees”, stat: “714 HRs” }
- player2: { name: “Hank Aaron”, team: “Braves”, stat: “755 HRs” }
- And so on…
That way, I could easily access the player information when I needed to display it.
The Logic (The Tricky Part)
Here’s where it got a little interesting. I needed to figure out how to handle the guessing part. The user clicks on a cell, and then what? I decided to go with a simple input field. They type in a player’s name, and I check if it matches the criteria for that cell.
For example, one cell might require a player who played for both the Yankees and the Red Sox. So, I’d need to check if the player they entered played for both teams. If they did, they get the cell. If not, they get a strike, or something like that.
Putting It Together
I started with the top row and left column. I added some text to these to indicate the criteria – like, “Yankees” for the first column, “Red Sox” for the second, and so on. Then, I used JavaScript to handle the click events on each cell.
When a cell is clicked, I pop up that input box, the user enters a name, and I run my check. It’s pretty basic, but it works!

I spent a while just adding a simple compare and contrast to player and team names.
Making It (Slightly) Prettier
Once I had the basic functionality working, I added a little bit of styling. Changed the colors, added some hover effects, just to make it look a little less… blah. Nothing fancy, just enough to make it presentable.
The Result
It’s not perfect, far from it. But it’s a working prototype. You can click on a cell, enter a player’s name, and it’ll tell you if you’re right or wrong. I am pretty happy with how the barebones worked, and that I got the basic structure down.
It was a fun little experiment, and it gave me some ideas for future projects. Maybe I’ll add more features, like a timer, or different difficulty levels. Who knows! That’s the cool thing it can always be updated.