Okay, so I saw this “Belal Muhammad shirt” thing trending and, like, I had to figure out what the deal was. Turns out, it’s all about this UFC fighter, Belal Muhammad. I’m not a huge UFC fan, but I know enough to get by. Apparently, he’s got a big fight coming up, and people are hyped.

First, I just Googled “Belal Muhammad shirt.” You know, the basic, lazy search. A bunch of stuff popped up – some official-looking UFC store things, some random online shops, and a few sketchy-looking sites I wouldn’t touch with a ten-foot pole.
Then I started looking at designs.
Some were just plain text, his name and maybe a nickname.
Others had his picture, some pretty intense fight shots.
There were also some with flags, I guess representing his heritage.
I decided I wanted something simple. I’m not trying to, like, scream “I LOVE THIS FIGHTER” at the top of my lungs, you know? More of a subtle nod. So I ruled out anything with huge graphics or crazy colors.
After scrolling through, the most interesting thing is the remember the name shirt from the UFC official store.

So yeah, that’s my deep dive into the world of Belal Muhammad shirts. It was way more involved than I thought it would be!