This here thing called deiric, I heard folks talkin’ ’bout it, say it’s somethin’ fancy for sound. Sounds like a load of hogwash to me, but my grandson, he’s always messin’ with them speakers and wires. He tried to explain it, but it went right over my head. All I know is, sometimes the music sounds better, sometimes it don’t.

He kept sayin’ somethin’ about “base” or “bass,” I don’t know. Like fishin’? He said this deiric thing makes the bass sound better. Makes it, uh, “tighter.” Whatever that means. I just like to hear my music clear, you know? Not all muddled up like a pig sty after a rainstorm.
- He also say deiric can make all sound clear.
- He say I need to “adjust the curve”. I don’t know what that means.
- He said it good for 2 channel setup. I only know channel 5.
And “time alignment.” That’s another one he threw at me. Like them clocks gotta be set just right? My old clock, it runs a little fast, but it still tells the time. Maybe that’s what he meant. This deiric thing, it’s like settin’ the clock on the music, so it all comes out at the right time.
Then there was somethin’ about “poor placement.” Now, I know about that. Like when you put your good china on the top shelf, and it comes crashin’ down. You gotta put things in the right place. So maybe this deiric helps you put the music in the right place, so it doesn’t sound all jumbled up.
My grandson also talkin’ about somethin’ called “EQ”. Sounds like some kind of medicine. He say it can make deiric work better. He’s always tryin’ to make things better, that boy. Bless his heart. I guess it help make sound good before you use this deiric thing. Like clean the floor before you put down new rug.
He showed me somethin’ on his computer, all these lines goin’ up and down. Looked like a heart doctor’s chart. He said that was the music, and the deiric was makin’ it better. Straightenin’ out them lines, he said. Like ironin’ out wrinkles, I reckon.
Some other fancy words he used, “resolution,” “acoustic,” “phase difference.” Makes my head spin just thinkin’ about it. All I know is, sometimes the music sounds clearer, like you’re right there in the room with the band. Other times, it just sounds the same. Maybe it’s just me. My hearin’ ain’t what it used to be.
He also said somethin about “filters.” Like the ones we use for the coffee? Maybe this deiric thing filters out the bad parts of the music, so you only hear the good stuff. Like strainin’ soup to get the bones out. I like that. I don’t like no bone in my soup.
This deiric, it’s a mystery to me. But if it makes the music sound better, I guess it’s alright. My grandson, he’s a good boy. He just likes his fancy gadgets. Me, I’m happy with my old radio. But hey, if he wants to play with his deiric and make the music sound all “tight” and “aligned,” who am I to stop him?

He said I should write things down to understand better. I don’t know about writing. But I do like talking. Talking is good. Maybe writing also help me relax, like this deiric thingy make music relax, make it smooth. My grandson also say writing make me know myself better. I don’t know. I am old, maybe I already know who I am. But writing is fine, like talking, make you feel good inside. I think.
- Write thing down help you feel good.
- Talking also good, like writing.
- This deiric thing, maybe same like writing, make thing clear.
This deiric, it’s a lot of work, I think. My grandson spend hours messin’ with it. Turnin’ knobs, clickin’ on the computer. I guess it takes time to get it just right. Like bakin’ a cake. You gotta follow the recipe, or it won’t turn out good. Maybe this deiric has its own recipe, and you gotta follow it to make the music sound good.
Anyway, that’s all I know about this deiric thing. It a mystery. It make sound good, I guess. Maybe one day I understand it better. But for now, I just let my grandson play with it. He happy, I happy. That all matter, I think.