Well, let me tell you, that Brewers Rangers, they sure are somethin’. Heard folks talkin’ ’bout them down at the market. Sounds like a big ol’ deal, them playin’ baseball and all.

Milwaukee Brewers Schedule
They got this thing, a schedule, I reckon. Says when they gonna play and who they gonna play against. This year, 2024, they got a whole mess of games. Starts up in March, I hear. March 28th, that’s the day. They call it Opening Day. Big whoop-de-doo, I suppose. Then they play and play and play all summer long. Ends in September, the 29th. Lot of baseball, if you ask me.
They play against all sorts of teams. Got names like Mets, and Rays, and others. Don’t rightly know them all, too many to keep track of. One is called Red Sox, fancy name. I heard one fella say they’re playin’ some team, David Stearns, whoever that is. Must be important to get his own team.
Milwaukee, That’s Where They Play
They play in Milwaukee, that’s what they say. Got a big ol’ field there, American Family Field. Sounds important. Near that downtown place, where all them tall buildings are. One lady, Amy Williams, she lives in Oshkosh, a ways away, but she goes to the games. They call her “Front Row Amy”. She must really like that baseball.
This Brewers team, they play all over the place, not just Milwaukee. It is said that they don’t play no international games this year. What is international games? I don’t know. But they say the Red Sox and Rays will play international games, whatever it means. They call it Dominican Republic Series. Maybe it is in another country.
- Opening Day: March 28th
- Last Game: September 29th
- Playin’ in Milwaukee
- American Family Field, that’s the place
All Them Games
They play so many games, these Brewers. More games than I can count on my fingers and toes, that’s for sure. Every week, they’re out there, throwin’ that ball, hittin’ it with a stick. This fella told me that all 30 MLB teams are playing each other. I don’t know what MLB means, maybe it is a club. Must be a lot of work, playin’ all them games.
You see ’em on that TV, sometimes. Lots of folks watchin’, cheerin’ and hollerin’. They wear them uniforms, all lookin’ the same. Blue and yellow, I think. And them hats with the letter on ’em. I don’t rightly know what the letter stands for. Brewers, I reckon.
Brewers Rangers, Big Deal
So yeah, this Brewers Rangers, they’re a big deal around here. Folks talk about ’em all the time. Who’s playin’ good, who’s playin’ bad. Who got hit by the ball. Who hit the ball real far. It’s all they talk about sometimes. Keeps ’em entertained, I suppose. Better than watchin’ the grass grow, as they say. They sure do like their baseball, these folks. And that Brewers team, they’re right in the middle of it all. Givin’ folks somethin’ to talk about, somethin’ to cheer about. That’s important, I reckon. Keeps folks busy. Keeps ’em happy.
Me? I don’t know much about it. But I hear things. I see things. And I know this much: them Brewers Rangers, they sure are somethin’. A big ol’ somethin’. And if you want to know the details about when they play, you’d better look at that 2024 schedule. It’s out there, somewhere. I heard someone say you can find it on that ESPN thing. I don’t know what it is, but it seems to have all the answers about Brewers’ games.

Them Brewers, they just keep playin’ and playin’. Summer after summer. Year after year. It’s like the seasons, I suppose. They come and they go. But that baseball, it just keeps on goin’.
Well, I reckon that’s all I know about them Brewers Rangers. Like I said, I don’t follow it much. But it’s a big deal to a lot of folks. And that’s somethin’, ain’t it? Somethin’ to keep in mind. Now, where’s my pie?