Alright, let’s gab about these here captain’s folding chairs, you know, the kind you see in them big cars and such. I ain’t no expert, mind you, just an old woman who’s seen a thing or two. But I reckon I can tell ya what’s what.

First off, what in the tarnation is a captain’s chair anyway? Well, it ain’t your regular bench seat, that’s for sure. It’s like two separate comfy chairs in the middle row of a car, instead of one long seat where everyone’s squished together like sardines. Fancy folks call ’em “captain’s chairs” ’cause they look all important, like the captain of a ship sittin’ in ’em. I just call ’em comfy chairs, myself.
Now, some folks like these chairs, some don’t. It’s like arguin’ over whether grits or oatmeal is better for breakfast – just depends on your taste, I reckon. Let me tell ya what I heard from my neighbor, her son got one of them big SUVs with these fancy chairs.
- She says it’s real nice for road trips, ’cause the young’uns can’t be pokin’ and proddin’ each other. Each kid gets their own space, see? No more “He’s on my side!” or “She’s breathin’ on me!” That’s a blessing, I tell ya.
- But then she says it’s a pain when you gotta haul a bunch of folks. You can only fit two in that middle row, see? So, if you got a big family, or always haulin’ around the grandkids, maybe a regular bench seat is better. More room for the whole kit and caboodle.
- And get this, she told me them chairs don’t always fold down flat like a bench does. That means less room for stuff when you’re haulin’ things from the store, or takin’ a trip to the flea market. That’s a problem, I say. Where you gonna put all your junk then?
Now, they got these folding chairs too, the kind you can take out and about. Not like the ones in the cars, mind you. These are the ones you bring to the picnic, or the fishin’ hole, or when you’re watchin’ the kids play baseball. They’re handy, that’s for sure.
I seen some that are metal, all strong and sturdy. They last a long time, but they ain’t always the comfiest thing to sit on. Your backside gets a little sore after a while, you know? But you can get them with cushions, I hear. Make ’em a bit softer on the ol’ bones. Then there’s them plastic ones. They’re lighter and easier to carry around, and they stack up real nice. But they ain’t as tough as the metal ones, that’s for sure. I had one of them plastic ones break on me once, right when I was sittin’ down! Nearly broke my tailbone, I tell ya. Not a good experience.
So, which one’s better? The captain’s chairs in the car or the folding chairs you take with you? Well, it depends on what you need ’em for, I reckon. If you got a small family and you like a little luxury, them captain’s chairs in the car might be just the ticket. But if you gotta haul a bunch of folks, or if you need to carry a lot of stuff, a bench seat might be more practical. And if you need a chair you can take with you on the go, a folding chair is the way to go. Just make sure you get a good sturdy one, so you don’t end up on your backside like I did!
Now, one thing I heard about them captain’s chairs in the cars is that some folks like the look of them. They make the car look all fancy and upscale, you know? Like you got money to burn. But personally, I don’t care much about looks. I care about comfort and practicality. Can I sit in it for a long time without my back hurtin’? Can I fit all my groceries and grandkids in the car? That’s what matters to me.
And speaking of folding chairs, the ones you take out and about, there are so many different kinds! You got your basic metal ones, your plastic ones, your ones with cup holders, your ones with little tables attached, even some with little umbrellas to keep the sun off your head. It’s enough to make your head spin! But at the end of the day, they all do the same thing: give you a place to sit when you ain’t got a regular chair around.
So, there you have it. My two cents on captain’s folding chairs, and all the other kinds of chairs too. Like I said, I ain’t no expert. Just an old woman sharin’ what she knows. Hope it helps ya make up your mind about what kind of chair is right for you.

And remember, comfort is key. You don’t want to be sittin’ on somethin’ that makes your backside ache, do ya? So, choose wisely, my friend. Choose wisely.
Tags: Captains Chairs, Folding Chairs, Car Seating, Bench Seats, Portable Chairs, Comfort, Practicality, Family Cars, Road Trips, SUV