So, I was curious about this kid, Charlie Woods, Tiger Woods’ son. You know, the golf legend? I wanted to find out how tall the kid is and how much he weighs. Figured it’d be a simple Google search, right? Well, it turned into a bit of a rabbit hole.

First, I typed in “Charlie Woods height and weight” into the search bar. The first few results were all over the place. Some sites said he’s around 5 feet 1 inch tall, others went up to 5’5″. Same with his weight – anywhere from 70 pounds to 140 pounds. It’s like, come on, people, can we get some consistency here?
I started clicking through these sites, trying to piece together something that made sense. Most of them mentioned that Charlie was born on February 8, 2009, which would make him about 15 years old now. Considering his age, I figured the lower end of the height and weight estimates were probably more accurate.
- Date of Birth: February 8, 2009
- Estimated Height: Around 5’1″
- Estimated Weight: Maybe 70-140 pounds?
Then I stumbled upon this article about Charlie competing in some pre-qualifying round for a PGA Tour event. That’s pretty impressive for a 15-year-old! It also gave me a more recent picture of him, so I could kind of eyeball his size. He definitely looks taller than 5’1″, but not by much.
I also dug a bit into why his parents named him Charlie. It turns out that “Charlie” was just a name they liked, and it “fit” him when he was born. But his middle name was already planned before.
After spending way too much time on this, I’ve come to the conclusion that Charlie Woods is probably somewhere between 5’1″ and 5’5″ tall, and weighs somewhere in the 100-140 pound range. He’s still growing, of course, so these numbers are bound to change. It’s crazy to think he’s already making waves in the golf world at such a young age. I guess it runs in the family!
My takeaway from this little investigation?
- Online information can be wildly inconsistent.
- It’s important to consider the source and the date of the information.
- Sometimes, you just have to make an educated guess based on what you can find.
Anyway, that’s my deep dive into Charlie Woods’ height and weight. Hope you found it somewhat interesting!