Alright, guys, so today I was messing around with some fantasy football stuff, and it hit me – how awesome would it be to combine my love for wrestling with my team name? So I started brainstorming, trying to come up with some WWE-themed fantasy football names.

First, I opened up my notes app – gotta keep track of these brilliant ideas, you know? Then I started just free-writing, anything that popped into my head. I was thinking of all the classic wrestlers, the current roster, catchphrases, finishing moves… everything!
My Brainstorm Session:
- I thought about using wrestler names – like, “The Manning-kind Connection” is kind of okay.
- The “Von Erich’s Family curse”.
- Then I went down the catchphrase route. Something like, “The Can you smell what my TE is Cooking” that’s not bad, right?
- And lastly think about the “Austin 3:16 Yards Per Carry”, yeah, that is what I am talking about.
At first I hit so many bad names, some just wouldn’t work. Some were too long, some were just… dumb. Seriously, I’m not even gonna share some of the early ones, they were that bad!
I tried combining player names with wrestling moves, which got tricky. It was tough finding the right combos that actually made sense and sounded cool.
After about an hour and a good number of really bad ideas,I started getting the ideas of the names, and let me tell you I got some really good names. So guys, let’s have some really funny names this year.