Alright, let’s talk about this Craig Kimbrel fella and how he throws that ball. You know, that baseball thing. I seen him on the TV once, the way he stands there… it’s somethin’ else, I tell ya.

The Way He Stands – That “Stance” They Call It
Now, this Kimbrel, he don’t just stand there like a normal fella. He leans over, almost like he’s lookin’ for a dropped penny or somethin’. But it ain’t no penny he’s lookin’ for. He bends way over, so much so that his top part – you know, his chest and head and all that – is flat like a table. And his arm, his throwin’ arm, it just hangs down, danglin’ like a rope. He looks mean, real mean, like he’s ready to pounce on somethin’. Like a cat ready to jump on a mouse, only it’s a baseball he’s jumpin’ on.
He ain’t smilin’ or nothin’. Just starin’ at that catcher, like he’s gonna eat him up. I seen some scary things in my life, but that look he gives, it’s up there. It’s a scary look, makes you think he means business. He stares straight ahead, no messing around.
How He Throws the Ball – His “Pitching Style”
This boy, he throws that ball fast. Real fast. They call it a “fastball,” I think. And he’s got another one, a curvy one. A “curveball,” that’s it. He uses those two pitches, fast and curvy, to get the fellas out. You know, make ’em swing and miss, or hit it where they ain’t. It’s like he’s got magic in that arm, the way he makes that ball move. I don’t know how he does it, but it works, most of the time.
Pitching Rules – “Windup” and “Set”
Now, they got rules about how these fellas can throw the ball. Two ways they can do it, see. One’s called the “windup,” where they swing their arms and legs all around. And the other’s called the “set,” where they just stand there and throw. Kimbrel, he can do both, whenever he wants. It’s like choosing between walkin’ and runnin’, both get you there, just different ways.
- Windup: Arms a-flyin’, legs a-kickin’, real showy.
- Set: Just standin’ there, quiet-like, then BAM! Throws the ball.
Startin’ Out – Gettin’ Ready to Throw

So, when they start, they gotta stand on this little rubber thing, kinda like a doormat. One foot’s gotta be touchin’ it, and the other foot’s just a little bit away. They face the catcher, shoulders square, hands by their belt or chest. Ready to go. It’s like gettin’ ready to chop wood, gotta have your feet set right, or you’ll miss the log. Same thing with pitchin’, gotta be lined up right to throw straight.
Kimbrel’s History – Been Throwin’ a While
This Kimbrel fella, he’s been throwin’ that ball for a long time now. Started way back in 2010, they say. And that way he stands, that leanin’ over thing, he’s been doin’ that his whole career. It’s his thing, you know? Like how some folks wear funny hats, he stands funny. He’s been at it for years, so he must be doin’ somethin’ right, even if it looks a little strange to folks like me.
He had some trouble one year, they said his “ERA” was high. I don’t know what that means, but it sounded bad. And he walked some fellas, which ain’t good neither. But he struck out a bunch too, so he’s still got it, I guess. He’s had his ups and downs, like anyone, but he keeps on throwin’.
Seein’ It For Yourself – On That YouTube Thing
If you wanna see this fella and his funny way of standin’, they got videos of him on that YouTube thing. Just type in his name, and you can watch him throw that ball. It’s somethin’ to see, I tell ya. He’s a character, that one. A real character. If you like baseball, or just like seein’ strange things, you ought to check him out.
So, that’s the deal with Craig Kimbrel and his pitchin’ stance. He’s a fella who throws a ball real fast, stands in a funny way, and looks mean while he’s doin’ it. And somehow, it all works for him. It’s a strange world, ain’t it?
Tags: [Craig Kimbrel, pitching stance, baseball, MLB, pitching style, windup, set position, fastball, curveball, pitcher]