Okay, so I was watching some old football highlights the other day, and this question popped into my head: Did Joe Montana ever play with Rudy? You know, like in the movie “Rudy”? I’m a huge Notre Dame fan, so I figured I should know this, but I honestly couldn’t remember. Time to do some digging!

My Research Process
First, I fired up my trusty laptop. I figured the quickest way to find out was just to Google it. I typed in something simple like “Joe Montana Rudy timeline” and hit enter.
The search results popped up, and I started scanning through them. I saw a couple of articles that looked promising, and I clicked on one to open it up.
I skimmed through, looking for specific years. It became pretty clear, pretty fast.
- Rudy Ruettiger’s famous game was in 1975.
- Joe Montana played for Notre Dame from 1975 to 1978.
So he did play.
I am very happy for my answer.