Alright, listen up, y’all. We gotta figure out this Raven stuff for week 1, ya hear? Football, fantasy football, it’s all the same to me, a buncha fellas runnin’ around. But my grandson, bless his heart, he’s all into it. Says it’s important, so it must be.

So, do you start the Ravens, he asks. Well, I say, hold your horses. Let’s think about this like plantin’ corn. You gotta look at the ground, see if it’s ready, right? Same with these Ravens.
First off, who they playin’? That’s the big question. It’s like askin’ who’s comin’ to the church supper. You need to know! I hear they got the, uh, the Chiefs. Now them Chiefs, they’re like a big ol’ bull in the pasture, hard to stop. My grandson says they got a fancy offense, real good at scorin’ and such. So, that makes things tricky for our Ravens, doesn’t it?
- Game one is a big deal. Like the first frost, it sets the tone.
- Chiefs are tough, like an old rooster.
- Ravens gotta be strong, like a good fence post.
Now, what about the Raven’s defense? That’s the D/ST thing my grandson keeps jabberin’ about. Means defense and somethin’ else, special teams he calls it. Sounds like a buncha hooey to me, but he says it matters. Well, the Ravens, they got some tough fellas, I reckon. Big and strong, like the guys who work the hay fields. But even strong fellas can get tired chasin’ a fast chicken, ya know? And that Chiefs offense, they’re fast like a greased pig.
My grandson, he’s always lookin’ at these numbers, stats he calls ‘em. Says they tell ya stuff. Like how many touchdowns and yards and all that. He showed me some, all jumbled up, looked like chicken scratch to me. But he says the Chiefs, they good at gettin’ lots of those numbers. And that makes it hard on the Ravens, see? It’s like tryin’ to count all the stars in the sky, impossible!
So, we gotta be smart about this. It ain’t just about who’s the toughest, it’s about who’s got the best chance. It’s like plantin’ your tomatoes early or late. You gotta time it right. If the Chiefs are that good, maybe startin’ the Ravens ain’t the best idea. It’s a gamble, like predictin’ the weather. You can look at the signs, but sometimes the storm just comes outta nowhere.
Then there’s this other thing, somethin’ about PPR leagues and cheat sheets. My grandson showed me this paper, all filled up with names and numbers. He says it helps him decide who to pick. I tell ya, it’s more complicated than bakin’ a pie. You gotta think about all sorts of things, not just who’s gonna win the game, but how many points they’re gonna score. It’s like tryin’ to figure out how many apples are gonna be on a tree before they even bloom.
And this ain’t just for one week, see? My grandson says some teams are good to start for a few weeks in a row. Like plantin’ a whole field of corn, not just one row. He was talkin’ about the Chargers, says they got some easy games comin’ up. Raiders, Panthers, Steelers, whoever they are. Sounds like a bunch of city folk to me. But if the Ravens got a tough start, maybe you gotta look at them other fellas instead. It’s like havin’ a backup plan, just in case the well runs dry.
So, what’s the answer? Well, it ain’t easy. If it was, even I could figure it out. But from what I gather, starting the Ravens against the Chiefs, that’s a tough row to hoe. Might be better to wait, see how things shake out. Like waitin’ for the rain after you plant the seeds. You gotta be patient, ya know? It’s all a gamble, but that’s what makes it fun, I guess. Just like life, you never know what’s gonna happen.

Anyway, that’s what I think about it. Probably ain’t much help, but I tried. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I gotta go check on my chickens.
Tags: [“Fantasy Football”, “Week 1”, “Ravens”, “Chiefs”, “D/ST”, “Starting Lineup”, “PPR Leagues”, “Fantasy Advice”]