Okay, so I’ve been fiddling around with this “ecotrans ladies open scores” thing today, and let me tell you, it was a bit of a ride. Here’s how it all went down.

First, I needed to actually find the scores. I mean, that’s step one, right? So I did some digging. I looked around, trying to see where the information might be stored, or from which data source should I get the data.
Once I got data ready, I figured I could to start sorting through the data. I mean, that’s the whole point, isn’t it? To see how everyone stacked up.
Wrangling the Data
This is where things got a little… sticky. The data, well, it wasn’t exactly in the prettiest format.
- First, I used something to grab all the names, easy peasy.
- Then, I gotta find the scores that match the names.
- Lastly I want to combine the names and scores together!
I had to clean it up. I’m talking, like, scrubbing floors level of cleaning. Removing extra bits, making sure everything was consistent… you know, the usual data-entry type stuff.
Finally, Display
After what felt like forever (it was probably just a few minutes, I’m dramatic, I know), I finally got the results. And now, it is done, it is easier for me to see who’s on top, who’s in the middle, and who might need to hit the practice range.
It’s all good fun, though!
And that was my adventure with the “ecotrans ladies open scores”. It wasn’t exactly glamorous, but hey, someone’s gotta do it, right? Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m gonna go celebrate with a nice cup of coffee. I earned it!