You know what? This here internet thing is somethin’ else. My grandkids, they’re always on it, clickin’ and tappin’ away. They showed me how to find stuff, like these fight pass promo code things. You see, my grandson, bless his heart, he loves that UFC fightin’.
He says, “Grandma, you gotta get this UFC Fight Pass.” I said, “What in tarnation is a fight pass?” He says it’s like a ticket to watch all them fights, right on that little computer screen. I said “That’s fine, but them tickets cost money, and I haven’t got money to throw away.”
So, he showed me these “promo codes.” Said they can save me some dough. Well, I’m all about savin’ money. I ain’t no fool. So I started lookin’. Lordy, there are so many numbers and letters, it made my head spin! But I kept at it. I don’t need no fancy words, and I’m not sure about the codes. But it is not a big deal.
Here is what I found out about them fight pass promo codes.
- Sometimes, they say you can get half off. Half! That’s like buyin’ one, gettin’ one free. Not too shabby, I reckon.
- Other times, it’s like 25% off, or 10% off. Every little bit helps, you know? A penny saved is a penny earned, my mama used to say.
- Some of ’em are for new folks only, like a “welcome” gift. But I seen some for us old-timers, too. Just gotta keep your eyes peeled.
- You gotta type ’em in just right, these codes. One wrong letter, and poof! Nothin’. My grandson, he helped me with that part.
I found one the other day, said “65% off.” Sixty-five! I nearly fell outta my chair! But it was a good deal, but I don’t know if it works. My grandson, he wasn’t around to help me. He will be back next month.
I saw somewhere, one time, there was a code that got you 17% off. That would be a great way to save, just buyin’ what you need. That’s a good chunk of change, right there. I remember my mama used to clip coupons outta the newspaper. This is kinda like that, but on the computer. And, you know, it is easy to find the codes. I don’t even need to buy a newspaper.
Some codes say “free shipping.” I don’t know what that is about. Don’t they just show the fights on the computer? Why do they need to ship anythin’? Maybe I’m just too old to understand. But if you are buyin’ somethin’, free shippin’ is always good. Don’t want to pay extra for no truck to bring it to your house.
I seen one that said “20% off your UFC Fight Pass.” Now, that’s what I’m talkin’ about! That’s the one my grandson wants. If I can save 20%, that’s good. That will help with the budget, you know? I can use some extra money to buy some food. My grandson loves my cookies.
They say these codes don’t always work. Only about one in three, I read somewhere. So you gotta try a few, see what sticks. I tried a few codes, but none of them work. I don’t know why. Maybe I did something wrong. I will ask my grandson to help me next time. He will find a code that works. That boy knows everything about computers.

I don’t know much about this UFC thing, but I know my grandson likes it. He is a good boy, always kind. And if these promo codes can save me some money, well, that’s good too. That is my final purpose, you know, savin’ money. This old lady ain’t made of money. Gotta be smart with your pennies, that’s what I always say.
So, if you’re lookin’ for a fight pass promo code, just keep your eyes open. They’re out there. You just gotta find ’em. It may take some time, but it is worth it. You might save yourself a pretty penny. And who knows, maybe you’ll even figure out what all this fightin’ is about. I still don’t get it, but as long as my grandson is happy, I’m happy. That is all that matters.
- fight pass promo code
- UFC Fight Pass
- Promo Codes
These are the things I have been seeing all over the internet. They are very popular. You can find them everywhere. My grandson said these words are important. I don’t know why. But if he said so, it must be true. He knows best.