Alright, so the other day I stumbled upon this thing called “Sony Open Weather” and I was like, “What the heck is that?” I’m always messing around with smart home stuff and trying to automate everything, so this piqued my interest. Turns out, it’s a way to get weather data that’s super accurate, down to your specific location, using Sony’s sensors.

My first thought was, “Okay, how do I even start with this?” I did some digging, and it seemed like I needed to get my hands on a Sony sensor first. I didn’t have one, so that was step one. I ended up getting a hold of one of those little environmental sensors, the ones that track temperature, humidity, and all that jazz.
Once I had the sensor in hand, I had to figure out how to get it talking to, well, anything. This part was a bit of a pain. There’s some setup involved, connecting it to your Wi-Fi and all that. I’m not going to lie, I fumbled around with the instructions for a good while before I got it working. It’s not rocket science, but it definitely wasn’t plug-and-play. Had to download an app, create an account, the usual song and dance.
Getting the Data
After the sensor was finally online, I started thinking about how to actually use the data. I mean, the app is cool and all, but I wanted to do more with it. I wanted to tie it into my existing smart home setup!
I started looking for ways to grab the data from Sony’s service. This ended up being a quest, because the documentation isn’t super clear. I think to really pull the data you need some programing, so it might take a little while for me to figure that out.
For now though, I’m just happy to have it work.
Anyways, I’ll play some more and get back with what I learn.