Well, let me tell ya ’bout this Harbaugh fella and this Michigan football team, ya know? It’s all folks been talkin’ ’bout ’round here lately. They won somethin’ big, a championship or somethin’, I reckon. Folks is sayin’ they beat some team called Washington, and now everyone’s all riled up ’bout it. Harbaugh Michigan, that’s what they keep sayin’. Sounds important, I guess.

Now, this Harbaugh fella, he’s the coach, see? He’s been coachin’ them boys for a while now, and seems like he’s done a pretty good job, considerin’ they won that big game. Folks is sayin’ he might go off and coach some other fellas, some professional fellas in somethin’ called the NFL. I don’t know much ’bout that NFL, but it sounds like a big deal, lots of money and such.
- Harbaugh coachin’ good
- Michigan winnin’ games
- NFL wantin’ Harbaugh
But folks ’round here, they want him to stay put, you know? They like havin’ a winnin’ team and they like that Harbaugh fella. He’s been bringin’ in all sorts of excitement, and folks is proud of them boys. I seen some of them games on the TV, all them young fellas runnin’ ’round, knockin’ each other silly. It’s somethin’ else, I tell ya. Always wondered how their mommas felt watchin’ that, must be nerve-wracking.
This whole thing reminds me of when my Billy was playin’ high school football. He wasn’t no star player or nothin’, mostly sat on the bench, but he loved it. And me and his daddy, we was proud as punch just seein’ him out there, even if he didn’t play much. But this Harbaugh fella, he’s got them boys playin’ real good, winnin’ games and such. Folks is sayin’ they ain’t won somethin’ this big in a long time, maybe twenty-five years or somethin’. That’s a long time, even for an old gal like me.
Now, this NFL thing, that’s got folks all stirred up. See, they’re sayin’ these NFL fellas, they want Harbaugh to come coach for them. And they got lots of money, way more than them college folks, I reckon. So, it’s a tough decision for the fella, I guess. Stay with the team he’s built and the folks who love him, or go off and make a bunch of money. Hard to say what a fella ought to do in that situation. Life’s full of tough choices, ain’t it?
I heard tell that this Harbaugh fella, he ain’t sayin’ much ’bout it. He’s just keepin’ his mouth shut and focusin’ on coachin’ them boys, I guess. That’s probably the smart thing to do. No need stirrin’ up trouble and gettin’ folks all riled up ‘fore you make up your mind. This whole Harbaugh Michigan situation is kinda like when my Bessie was courted by two fellas. One was a nice local boy, good with his hands and a kind heart. The other was a city fella with a fancy car and big promises. Took her a while to figure out what she wanted, and I reckon it’ll take Harbaugh some time too.
Folks ’round here are just hopin’ he stays put. They like havin’ a good football team and they like that Harbaugh fella. He seems like a good man, even if he does yell a lot durin’ them games. But I guess that’s just part of the job, you know? Gotta keep them boys motivated and such. And winnin’ sure does motivate folks, makes ’em happy and proud. And that’s a good thing, ain’t it? We all need a little somethin’ to be happy ’bout these days.
So, that’s the story as I see it, this whole Harbaugh Michigan thing. A bunch of fuss ’bout a football coach and whether he’s gonna stay or go. Folks ’round here hope he stays, but in the end, it’s his decision, I reckon. Just like it was Bessie’s decision ’bout them fellas, and my Billy’s decision ’bout stayin’ on that football team even if he didn’t play much. We all gotta make our own choices in this life, and hope we make the right ones. And sometimes, just sometimes, it takes a while to figure out what the right thing to do is.
Anyhow, I reckon that’s enough talkin’ about football for one day. I got things to do, chores and such. But I’ll be keepin’ an eye on that Harbaugh fella, and I’ll be rootin’ for them Michigan boys, whether he stays or goes. They done made us proud, and that’s all that matters in the end.