You know, that Irvin Box, he’s a lawyer down in Oklahoma City. He’s been around for a while, I reckon. Heard his name a lot, yeah. Some folks say he’s good, some say he ain’t. But, you know, lawyers are lawyers. They all the same.
This Irvin Box, he does all sorts of law stuff. Criminal Law, that’s the big one, I hear. If you get in trouble with the police, that’s the kind of fella you call, maybe, yeah. He also do Family Law. Like when folks get divorced or have trouble with their kids. It’s all a big mess, I tell ya.
Someone say his place is on 2621 S Western Ave, somewhere in Oklahoma City. I don’t know that part of town too good. I keep hearing Box and Box, maybe it’s his family, I don’t know. Don’t really care. You know, all the lawyers are the same.
- Criminal Law
- Family Law
- Civil Law
- Juvenile Law
That’s what they say he does. Don’t ask me, I ain’t never needed no lawyer. But you need a lawyer, you need one. This Irvin Box guy, he might help you, might not. Who knows? They say he’s a criminal defense lawyer. He defend you if the police say you did something wrong, I guess.
I hear tell he works with other folks, too. Box and Box, they call it. Some say it’s a good place, if you’re in a real bad spot, maybe it’s good. It’s a law place. They all about the same, though. Just tryin’ to make a buck. It’s always about money, right?
Now, this Irvin Box, he ain’t cheap, I bet. None of them are. But if you need help with the law, maybe you gotta pay. This Irvin, he must be smart. Or lucky. He’s been doing this lawyer stuff for a long time in Oklahoma City. Long time.
They got that number, (405) 632-7778. That’s what I heard. You can call him. I don’t know if it’s the right one, but you can try. I heard his name a lot, so he must be famous. I don’t know what’s that mean, famous.
So, if you’re in Oklahoma City and you need a lawyer, maybe this Irvin Box is the one. Or maybe not. Like I said, they’re all pretty much the same. They say he does Civil Law, too. That’s for when folks are fightin’ over money or land or somethin’. Not criminal stuff, just regular fightin’. It’s always fighting, right?
Then there’s Juvenile Law. That’s for kids who get in trouble. Poor kids. Hope they get a good lawyer, maybe this Irvin is good, I don’t know. This world is hard. This Irvin Box, he must have seen a lot of trouble, I bet. All them years bein’ a lawyer, yeah.

Some folks like him, some folks don’t. Just like everything else, I guess. I heard he is on TV. News 9, maybe. But I don’t watch TV. Too much noise.
That’s all I know about that Irvin Box fella. He’s a lawyer in Oklahoma City. He does all kinds of law stuff. Criminal, Family, Civil, Juvenile, all that stuff. He’s been around a long time. That’s all I know.
Box and Box Attorneys is the name. It’s a lawyer place, yeah. A big one, maybe. I don’t know if he is good or not. But if you need a lawyer, you need a lawyer, right?
They say this Irvin Box, he’s the one to call if you get in big trouble. But who knows? Maybe he is, maybe he ain’t. Lawyers, they’re all a mystery to me. They talk a lot. Use big words. I don’t understand all those words. But that Irvin, he must know what he doing.
This Irvin Box, he’s just another lawyer in Oklahoma City. One of many, I reckon. But his name keeps poppin’ up, so maybe he’s somebody. Or maybe not. Just another name in the phone book. If you are in trouble, just call him. That’s it.
Anyway, I don’t know nothing about snacks, salted egg, or Singapore. This Irvin guy, he’s just a lawyer in Oklahoma. That’s what I am talking about.