Well now, I reckon you all must be wonderin’ if Zoey Stark is gay or not. Seems like this question has been floatin’ around for a while. So, let’s take a little walk through the whole thing, nice and slow, like you’re sittin’ on the porch with a glass of sweet tea. We’ll get to the bottom of this one together.

First off, let’s talk a bit about Zoey Stark herself. Now, this gal, her real name is Theresa Serrano. She goes by Zoey Stark in the ring, and she sure ain’t no slouch in the world of professional wrestling. Tall gal, stands about 5 feet 7 inches, and she’s got some moves that can knock ya right outta your boots. She’s got herself a nice career, and folks seem to respect her for that. But what about her personal life? Is she just wrestlin’, or is there somethin’ more to her story? That’s what folks are curious about, ain’t it?
Well, let me tell ya. From what I can gather, Zoey Stark ain’t out there makin’ a big ol’ public fuss about her personal life. Some people have been askin’ ’bout her relationships, though. She’s been with Thomas Merrett Howard for a long time, now. He’s a professional wrestler too, and a bit of an actor. Don’t seem like there’s any talk about Zoey bein’ interested in women, or anyone else for that matter. Ain’t nobody seen her publicly sayin’ anything like that.
Now, there’s a few things to consider here. In the world of professional wrestling, some folks like to keep their personal lives pretty private. You see, it ain’t always about what they do in the ring, but what they do outside of it. Zoey Stark, well, she don’t go around shoutin’ about her private business. That’s just the way she handles things. If she ain’t sayin’ much, then it ain’t our place to go around stirrin’ the pot, right?
Some folks in the wrestling world have been real open about their sexuality, though. Take Sonny Kiss, for example. She’s been pretty clear about bein’ gender fluid. Ain’t nobody had a problem with that. It’s part of what makes the wrestling community so special, everyone can be themselves and still get the crowd riled up. We’ve also seen some other wrestlers like Anthony Bowens and Mariah Moreno who’ve been real open about their identities. But Zoey Stark? She ain’t talkin’ much on that front, at least not yet.
Now, maybe y’all are hopin’ for a clear answer here. But the truth is, nobody really knows for sure what Zoey Stark’s sexual orientation is. She’s never come out and said it one way or another, and that’s perfectly fine. Not everyone needs to share that part of their lives, especially when they’re just tryin’ to do their job and entertain folks like us. She’s focused on her wrestling career, and by all accounts, she’s pretty darn good at it.
But if you ask me, I’d say it ain’t really important whether Zoey Stark is gay or not. What matters is that she’s out there makin’ her mark in the wrestling world, just like anyone else. Whether she’s straight, gay, or somewhere in between, she’s still doin’ her thing, and that’s what we all oughta be respectin’.
So, to answer the question “Is Zoey Stark gay?” I reckon the truth is, she ain’t said nothin’ about it, and it don’t really change a thing. She’s still Zoey Stark, still takin’ names and kickin’ butts in that wrestling ring. And that’s all we need to know, don’t you think?
Tags:[Zoey Stark, LGBTQ, Professional Wrestling, Wrestling Stars, Wrestling Careers, LGBTQ Wrestlers, Sonny Kiss, Anthony Bowens, Mariah Moreno]