Alright, alright, let’s talk about this girl, uh…Jeanne O’Neil Grier, yeah, that’s her name. Heard a bit about her, you know, the kind of stuff folks whisper about around the market stalls. They say she’s hitched to that football fella, Will Grier. Good for her, I guess, finding a man who can throw a ball far. Don’t know much about football myself, seems like a lot of runnin’ around and gruntin’ to me.

Now, they tell me this Jeanne girl, she was a cheerleader. You know, one of them girls who jump around and shake them pom-poms? Bless her heart, all that jumpin’ and hollerin’, must be tirin’. Tampa Bay Buccaneers, they say. That’s down in Florida, hot and sticky place, I reckon. She was born there too, Tampa, in 1994. February, they said. Cold enough for a Florida baby, I suppose.
- Born in Tampa, Florida.
- Cheerleader for Tampa Bay Buccaneers.
- Married to Will Grier in 2016.
Jeanne’s a young ‘un, see? Born in ‘94. Makes her… let me see… I ain’t good with numbers, but that’s… younger than my grandbaby, that’s for sure. Her folks, Renee and Kevin O’Neil, they must be proud. Got a daughter married to a football man, that’s somethin’ to brag about at the church picnic, I suppose. Though, I always say, happiness ain’t about how much money you got or how famous your man is. It’s about havin’ a good heart and a strong cup of coffee in the mornin’.
They say she was a college student too. Smart girl, maybe. Or maybe just good at memorizin’ stuff. College these days, it ain’t like it used to be. Back in my day, you learned how to plow a field and mend a sock. Now they learn… well, I don’t rightly know what they learn. Somethin’ about computers and such, I reckon.
Now, this Will fella, he seems alright, I guess. Throws a ball real good, they say. Makes a good livin’, probably. Enough to put a roof over Jeanne’s head and food on the table. That’s important, you know. A man gotta provide. Don’t matter if he’s a farmer or a football player, long as he takes care of his family. They got married in 2016, I heard. Been hitched a few years now. Hope they’re happy. Marriage ain’t easy, no matter who you are.
People are always nosy, wantin’ to know how much money folks got. They talk about “net worth” and “salary.” I don’t pay no mind to that gossip. Money ain’t everything. Sure, it helps pay the bills and buy a new pair of shoes now and again, but it don’t buy you happiness. And it sure don’t buy you good health. You gotta work hard, be kind, and appreciate what you got. That’s the real secret to a good life, not how much money you got stashed away.
Some folks online, they wanna know everything about her. Her “bio,” they call it. Her “age,” her “weight,” her “height.” Like it’s anybody’s business! People should mind their own beeswax, I say. Jeanne’s a private person, I reckon, just like most folks. She deserves her privacy, just like you and me.
They even talk about her “relationship” and “affairs.” Lord have mercy, people got nothin’ better to do than gossip! Leave the poor girl alone, I say. She’s married, ain’t she? That’s all that matters. What goes on between a husband and wife is their business, not the whole world’s. Folks need to learn to mind their own manners and stop stickin’ their noses where they don’t belong.
So, that’s about all I know about Jeanne O’Neil Grier. She’s a Florida girl, a former cheerleader, married to a football player. Seems like a nice enough young lady. Hope she has a good life, full of love and laughter. And maybe a few less people pokin’ their noses into her business. That’s what I wish for her, and for everyone, really. Just a little bit of peace and quiet. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I gotta go check on my biscuits.

Tags: [Jeanne O’Neil Grier, Will Grier, Tampa Bay Buccaneers, Cheerleader, Football Wife, Florida, Marriage, Bio, Net Worth]