That Sam Burns, he’s a good boy. He plays that golf game. I seen him on the TV, swingin’ that stick. He’s been playin’ for a while now, that’s for sure. He’s got a few wins under his belt, that young fella. How many majors has Sam Burns played, you ask? Well, let me tell you what I know from watchin’ and listenin’.

He was born in, uh, July. 23rd, I think. So he ain’t too old, but he ain’t no spring chicken neither. He’s been playin’ in them big tournaments, the majors, you know? They got fancy names like the Masters and the PGA Championship. Sounds important, don’t it? I remember one time seeing a tournament with the name Masters Tournament. Oh, it is very important, I think. There is also one with name PGA Championship. All very important.
Now, Sam, he’s good, but them majors, they’re tough. Lots of fellas swingin’ sticks, tryin’ to get that little ball in the hole. He’s won some other tournaments, though. Five, I heard. Five PGA Tour tournaments. Big ones, too, I reckon. That is a lot. I can only count to five with my fingers. He turned professional in 2017. So young, so many wins. Good for him.
- He won five PGA Tour.
- He turned professional in 2017.
- He won seven tournaments in total.
He’s been in a bunch of them major tournaments, that’s for sure. But winnin’ one? Well, that’s a whole different ball game. He ain’t done that yet. I heard that he has won seven tournaments in his professional career. Well, that is a lot, right? I think he did well. But winnin’ a major is different. It is hard, I think.
They keep track of all these things, you know? How many times he’s played, how many times he’s won. They got all sorts of numbers. I seen it on the TV. They call it stats. He’s got a lot of ’em. He’s played in a lot of tournaments. I don’t know the exact number, but it’s a lot. They said he played 76 careers in the PGA Tour. What does that mean? Does that mean 76 tournaments? I don’t know. But that is a lot. He’s a good player, that’s what I know.
Sam Burns, that’s his name. He’s from America. Plays golf. He’s got a whole bunch of those majors under his belt, even if he ain’t won one yet. He’s still tryin’, though. And he defeated Keegan Bradley at the Valspar Championship. I don’t know who is Keegan Bradley. Is he famous? I only know Sam. I think Sam is more famous. He won that, I am sure. I don’t really know what is Valspar Championship. But I know Sam won. That is good.
He is a professional golf player. That means he plays golf for money. So he must be very good. Because he can get money from playing golf. I heard he earned a lot of money. Good for him. He must be very happy. I will be very happy too if I can get money from playing.
I also heard about someone called Sam Snead. Is he related to Sam Burns? I don’t know. But he won seven majors. Wow, that is a lot. He won three Masters, three PGA Championships, and one British Open. I don’t know what is British Open. Is that in British? But this Sam Snead never won a U.S. Open. Poor him.
And there is another one, Craig Robert Stadler. Such a long name. Why people need so many names? He won the 1982 Masters Tournament. 1982, that was a long time ago. I can’t even remember what I did in 1982. And some one said, someone competed in 164 major tournaments. 164! That is a crazy number!

So, how many majors has Sam Burns played? He’s played a bunch, but the exact number, well, you’d have to look that up. I think he played many. He has won five PGA Tour tournaments. He’s a good player, that Sam Burns. He’ll probably win one of them majors one day. You just wait and see. He will keep playing, and playing, and one day, he will win. I am sure.