You know, that Lee Hodges, he sure can hit a golf ball. I seen him on the TV the other day, winning that big tournament, the 3M Open or somethin’. He’s a good boy, that one. Makes a grandma proud, even if I ain’t his grandma. I heard he use some special clubs, help him hit the ball real far and straight. Folks call it “Lee Hodges WITB”, what’s in the bag, I reckon.

Now, I don’t know much about these fancy golf clubs, but I hear that Lee, he’s got a bunch of them Titleist clubs. That’s a good brand, I hear. Expensive, though. Probably costs more than my old cow, Bessie. He uses them Titleist for all his clubs, not like some fellas who mix and match. This Lee kid, he’s loyal to Titleist. I reckon that’s why he won that 3M Open, using all them Titleist clubs. Good for him, I say!
First off, he’s got this big ol’ club they call a “driver”. It’s for hitting the ball real far off the tee, you see. Lee’s driver, it’s a Titleist TSR2. I heard someone say it’s got 8 degrees. Don’t know what that means, but it sure sounds important. Maybe it’s like 8 degrees outside, nice and cool, perfect for golfin’. This driver helps him whack that ball clear across the field, further than I can throw a rock, that’s for sure.
He use this Titleist TSR2 driver, that special club, make the ball go far. Real far. That’s important, you know. Gotta hit it far to win these tournaments. That Lee, he good at it. Make that ball fly like a bird. He won that 3M Open, and I bet his driver helped.
Then he’s got these other clubs, they call ’em “woods”. Don’t ask me why, ain’t no trees involved, far as I can tell. He use them to hit ball after it on the ground, not on that little tee. These woods, they help him get the ball closer to the hole. Now, I ain’t seen what woods Lee use, but I bet they are Titleist, too. He’s a Titleist man, through and through. He must have a whole bag full of ’em!
- He’s got that driver, the Titleist TSR2.
- He’s got them “woods”, probably Titleist, too.
- Then there’s the “irons”, also likely Titleist.
Then he’s got these “irons”. They got numbers on ’em, like 3, 4, 5, all the way up to 9. Each one makes the ball go a different distance, I guess. Like pickin’ the right size shoe, gotta pick the right iron for the job. This Lee, he’s a pro. He knows which club to use. He’s a real PGA Tour pro, that’s what they call him. Means he’s one of the best. And he was good in college, too, playin’ for the University of Alabama. They called him All-SEC. Sounds fancy, don’t it? Must mean he was real good, even back then.
Then he’s got these “wedges”. Now, these are for when the ball is real close to the hole. Gotta be careful, gotta be precise. Like threadin’ a needle, almost. He probably use them Titleist wedges, too. Gotta chip it in, they say. That Lee, he’s good at chippin’ it in. He won that tournament, didn’t he? 3M Open, that’s it. He’s a champion, using all them Titleist clubs, his whole WITB is Titleist.
And finally, he’s got this “putter”. That’s for when the ball is right on the green, real close to the hole. Just gotta tap it in, nice and easy. Like rockin’ a baby to sleep, gentle like. I bet that putter is important, too. Probably cost a fortune. I saw them use it on TV, gotta roll that ball right into the hole. Lee, he is good at it, won him that big tournament.
So, that’s what I know about Lee Hodges WITB. He’s a good golfer, that Lee. Uses them fancy Titleist clubs. Wins them big tournaments. Makes an old lady proud, even if she don’t know a driver from a putter. He’s a good boy, that one. Playin’ on the PGA Tour, makin’ lots of money, I bet. Good for him. He’s from Alabama, good place to be from. This Lee Hodges, he’s going places. I reckon he got his whole what’s in the bag figured out.

That Lee Hodges, he a good player. He got all them clubs. Driver, woods, irons, wedges, putter. All them Titleist clubs. He use them good. Win that big tournament. Good for him. He play for that Alabama, too. Smart boy. Play good golf. He a champion, that’s what he is. A real champion.