Well, now, I gotta tell ya somethin’ about this young feller, J.J. Roberts, who done gone and got himself hurt while playin’ football for them Marshall Thundering Herd. I ain’t no expert on them fancy sports, but I can tell you this: when folks get hurt out there on that field, it don’t look pretty at all.

It was a Thursday night, and Marshall was playin’ against them James Madison Dukes. The score didn’t matter too much by the end, ’cause what folks were talkin’ about was what happened to that boy, J.J. Roberts. You see, it was the fourth quarter, and J.J. was out there tryin’ to make a tackle. Well, he got himself tangled up in a mess and, from what I hear, it looked like he hurt his neck real bad. I wasn’t there, but I reckon it was bad, ’cause he stayed down on that field for over twenty minutes. Now, you know that’s not a good sign when they gotta call the medical folks to come runnin’ out.
The poor feller, he wasn’t movin’ much, and they had to put him on a stretcher and take him off the field. Folks was prayin’ that it wasn’t as bad as it looked, but all them big-time players, the coaches, and the folks in the stands—they were all mighty worried. It wasn’t just the game that was on people’s minds, it was J.J.’s health. They said it was a scary injury, and that’s the truth.
Now, J.J., he ain’t just any football player. He’s from around here, graduated from Cabell Midland, and folks know him from that. He’d been workin’ hard to get on that Marshall team, playin’ as a defensive back. He was a transfer from Wake Forest, they say. That means he worked real hard to get where he’s at, and I know folks was proud of him for that. But now, this injury, well, it’s a setback, ain’t it?
They ain’t got much information on how bad it really is, but Coach Charles Huff, he ain’t sayin’ too much about it. I reckon that means they don’t wanna get folks all riled up before they know for sure what’s what. But when a young man goes down like that, it makes you stop and think about how dangerous them games can be. All them big hits and fast plays, it don’t seem to matter how tough you are, sometimes you can get hurt bad.
It’s a shame, too, ’cause that game didn’t end too well for Marshall either. They lost, 20 to 9, and folks was already upset about that. But then when J.J. got hurt, it made the game seem so much less important. People wanted to know if he was gonna be okay more than they cared about the score. And that’s how it is sometimes—sports can get real serious, but human life, that’s always gotta come first.
Now, I don’t know all the ins and outs of football, but I do know that when you watch these young folks out there, you can’t help but feel for ’em when they get hurt. It’s like watchin’ one of your own kin get in trouble. I’m hopin’ J.J. makes a full recovery, and that it ain’t too serious. Ain’t no sport worth it if it’s gonna cause a young person their health or their future.
All we can do now is wait and see how things turn out for J.J. Roberts. Whether he gets back on the field or not, I hope he’s alright. And for the rest of them boys playin’, I hope they take care of themselves out there. ‘Cause no matter how tough they are, injuries like this one show us that things can turn bad real quick, and they ain’t no game worth that.
So, for all you folks out there who care about J.J. and the Thundering Herd, just keep him in your prayers. It ain’t easy watchin’ someone go down like that, and we all hope for the best for that young man.

Tags:[injury, Marshall football, J.J. Roberts, football player, sports injury, Marshall Thundering Herd]