Okay, so I was chilling on the couch, Sunday morning, coffee in hand, ready to tackle the New York Times crossword. You know, the usual weekend routine. And then, BAM! I hit this clue: “wood source.” Four letters. My mind went completely blank.

Seriously, “wood source?” I mean, duh, trees, right? But it’s the NYT crossword, they’re always trying to trick you. I stared at it for a good minute, feeling kinda dumb. I even started listing tree types in my head: oak, pine, maple… nothing fit.
Then I started thinking about other crossword words, maybe it was part of a longer phrase. I put my coffee in table,Grabbed a pen and some scratch paper and Started to scribble down some possibilities. still drawing a blank
- TREE? Nope.
- LOGS ?Still Nope
- ROOT? Ugh.
Then, it hit * must had other * could have a total different meaning.I looked up online,typed ‘wood source NYT crossword clue’ in serach bar,Fingers crossed, hoping for a little nudge in the right direction and Bingo!
The Answer Revealed!
Turns out, the answer was ELM. ELM! I felt like such an idiot for not getting it sooner,i even slapped my * refers to the type of tree. But hey, that’s the fun of crosswords, right? They make you think outside the box, or in this case, remember a specific type of tree.
Anyway, I filled it in, finished the rest of the puzzle (with a few more struggles, of course), and felt that sweet sense of accomplishment. Another Sunday crossword conquered!