Okay, so today I messed around with getting “oj mayo suspension” to work. It sounded kinda weird, but I was curious, so I dove in.

First, I tried to figure out what this thing even was. Turns out, it’s related to some online judge system, and “suspension” probably means getting your account temporarily blocked. My goal? I wanted to intentionally get suspended, just to see how the system reacts.
The Experiment Begins
I started by creating a new account on the platform. I used a throwaway email – didn’t want my main account getting messed up. Then I looked for rules. I figured there must be something you can’t do, right? Like, no spamming, no cheating, the usual stuff.
I found some rules about submitting code. Basically, you’re supposed to solve problems, not copy solutions from somewhere else. Aha! That seemed like a good place to start.
Operation: Plagiarism
I went to one of the easier problems – the kind everyone solves first. Then, instead of actually writing code, I went online and searched for solutions. Copied one, pasted it in, and hit submit.
I did that for a few more problems, different difficulties. I found solutions in various programming languages online and just copy-pasted the code into submission box, and submitted them. It’s my first time to see this kind of thing.
I waited. I kept checking my account, looking for any notifications. Nothing.
Increasing the Stakes
I figured maybe I wasn’t being blatant enough. So, I got bolder. I found a problem, and then I searched for multiple solutions. I submitted each one, like five or six times, all under my new account.
Still nothing! I was starting to think this “suspension” thing was a myth.

Going for Broke
Okay, time for the nuclear option. I decided to do something really obvious. I found a discussion forum for the platform. I went to a thread about a specific problem, and I just… posted a solution. Right there, in the open, for everyone to see.
I wrote in the post,”I just copied and pasted from someone’s code! Who can stop me!” I was kind of trolling. Then I waited a little while.
The Hammer Drops
Finally! I got a notification. My account was suspended. It said something about “violating community guidelines” and “academic dishonesty.” I guess posting solutions publicly was a big no-no.
I logged out, tried to log back in, and… nope. Couldn’t do it. It said my account was suspended and to contact support if I thought it was a mistake. Well, it wasn’t a mistake, so I didn’t bother.
Mission accomplished, I guess! I got myself suspended. It was a weird experiment, but hey, I learned something about how these online judge systems work. Don’t copy code, and definitely don’t post solutions in public forums. You will get caught.