Tiger Woods New Girlfriend Revealed: See the Latest Photos!
Okay, so I saw this headline about Tiger Woods’ new girlfriend and, like everyone else, I got curious. I mean,...
Okay, so I saw this headline about Tiger Woods’ new girlfriend and, like everyone else, I got curious. I mean,...
Alright, folks, let’s talk about my little adventure trying to get “MLB The Show” working on my PC. Now, I’m...
Okay, so I’ve been wanting a New York Yankees fedora for a while now. I’m a huge Yankees fan, and...
Okay, here’s my blog post about customizing Off-White cleats: Alright, so I’ve been wanting to do this for a while,...
今天心血来潮,刷到一个视频,里面有个角色喊一句“the reaping has begun”,感觉贼带劲!于是我突发奇想,想搞明白这句话到底啥意思,顺便记录一下我的折腾过程。 动手开搞 我听到的是“the reaping has begun”,里面有两个单词我不太熟,一个是reaping,一个是begun。 我先去查begun,这玩意原来是begin的过去分词,意思是开始,着手。,那连起来就是“已经开始”的意思。 然后我又去查reap,这词儿平时真不咋见。一查,原来是收割、收获的意思。好家伙,这词儿还挺形象。 深入挖掘 我把“the reaping has begun”整个输到搜索框里,想看看有没有啥特别的含义。 结果出来一堆游戏相关的,好像是什么《英雄联盟》里面的台词,一个叫拉亚斯特的角色说的。 我还顺手查下“reaping”的其他用法,发现有个短语叫“Reaping the Whirlwind”,看着挺酷,但具体啥意思还没搞太明白。...
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