Andraya Carter: From College Hoops to ESPN – Heres Everything You Need to Know
Hey everyone, so today I was digging into this name that kept popping up in my sports feeds – Andraya...
Hey everyone, so today I was digging into this name that kept popping up in my sports feeds – Andraya...
So, I wanted to watch the Wolverhampton Wanderers F.C. versus Brentford F.C. game the other day. Let me tell you,...
Okay, so I’ve been messing around with some data and machine learning stuff lately, and I thought I’d share what...
今儿个跟大家伙儿唠唠嗑,聊聊我最近这档子事儿——1st anniversary bash rewards。 这事儿得从头说起。话说那天,阳光明媚,鸟语花香,我一寻思,这不马上就到咱这破博客的一周年纪念日嘛得整个啥活动热闹热闹,顺便也给一直支持我的老铁们发点儿福利不是? 于是乎,我这脑瓜子就开始转悠上。咋整?送点啥想来想去,还是“奖励”这词儿最得劲儿!你说,这年头,谁不稀罕点儿奖励?不管是夸你两句,还是给点儿实实在在的好处,那都是对咱的一种认可,一种鼓励! 我立马查一下资料,这不查不知道,查还真是吓一跳,原来这个“anniversary”还有这个意思,“anniversary” 意思就是周年纪念日;每年的。而这个“rewards”,意思就是“奖励”。既然如此,咱这周年庆,那必须得好好“奖励”一下我的粉丝朋友们! 说干就干!我立马开始策划。先列个单子,看看咱都有啥资源可以拿来当奖励。翻箱倒柜,把压箱底儿的宝贝都掏出来!然后,又琢磨着,这奖励咋发才更有意思?得让大伙儿都参与进来,一起乐呵乐呵才行! 于是乎,我设计几个小游戏,弄点儿互动环节。这过程中,那叫一个绞尽脑汁!既要保证活动有趣好玩,又得考虑大伙儿的时间和精力,还得琢磨着怎么让更多人知道这事儿,一起来参与。真是操碎心! 经过一番折腾,活动终于上线!看着大伙儿积极参与,热情高涨,我这心里,别提多美!就像那谁说的,“The company is now reaping the rewards of their investments.”,咱这也算是收获投资的回报!...
Okay, here is my blog post about “Seton Hall recruiting”: Man, recruiting for Seton Hall basketball has been a wild...
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