Braden montgomerys highlights and Where to watch full game of braden montgomery.
Okay, so I’ve been seeing this name, “Braden Montgomery,” pop up all over the place. I figured it was time...
Okay, so I’ve been seeing this name, “Braden Montgomery,” pop up all over the place. I figured it was time...
Okay, so I got curious about “Kaycee Marchetti ex husband” today. It all started this morning when I was scrolling...
Okay, so today I decided to dive into the world of sports predictions, specifically for the SSG Landers vs. KT...
今天刷手机,看到个词儿叫“priceless possessions gray zone”,这啥玩意儿?看着挺高级,咱也得整明白不是? 先拆开瞅瞅。priceless,这个词儿熟,不就是“无价的”嘛小时候看鉴宝节目,专家老说“这可是无价之宝!”,就是这个priceless。不过这年头,啥都能标个价,说“无价”总觉得有点虚头巴脑的。 possessions,这词儿也好理解,就是“财产”、“拥有的东西”。 gray zone,这个有点意思,“灰色地带”。咱平时也常说,有些事儿不好说死,黑白不分明,就叫“灰色地带”。 把这三个词儿串一块儿,“priceless possessions gray zone”,这意思好像就出来:有些东西,你说它值钱,它确实有价值,你说它不值钱,好像又不能用钱来衡量,就卡在那儿,不好说,这就是那个“灰色地带”。 我开始琢磨,我身边有啥东西属于这种“priceless possessions gray zone”? 小时候收集的各种卡片?现在看就是一堆废纸,但当年为集齐一套,可是省吃俭用,跟小伙伴们各种换,那股子劲头,现在想想都觉得好笑。 老爸年轻时候写的日记?纸都泛黄,字迹也模糊,但里面记录的都是他的青春,那可是我解他的一个窗口,你说这能用钱买吗? 还有奶奶留下的一个老旧的银镯子?款式早就过时,也不值几个钱,但那是奶奶戴一辈子的东西,上面有她的温度,有她的故事,这对我来说,就是无价的。 这么一想,我发现身边还真有不少这种“priceless...
Okay, so today I was kinda curious about how much money those UFC referees make. You know, the guys in...
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