Easy Blazers vs Mavericks Prediction For NBA Bettors Today!
Okay, here’s my attempt at writing a blog post in the style you requested, about “blazers vs mavericks prediction”: Alright,...
Okay, here’s my attempt at writing a blog post in the style you requested, about “blazers vs mavericks prediction”: Alright,...
Okay, so I was messing around with the NYT crossword today, as I usually do, and I got totally stuck....
今天可算是让我给折腾明白!那个“大富翁GO”的新活动,叫“St. Paddy’s Party”的,可真够绕的! 我压根儿就没注意这茬。你知道的,平时上班摸鱼就指着这游戏打发时间,结果今天一上线,发现多好几个新活动,眼花缭乱的。除这个“St. Paddy’s Party”, 还有什么“Monthly Partner event”, “Sunset Treasures”, 一大堆,看着都头疼。 我寻思着,先挑个名字顺眼的玩玩。一眼就瞅见“St. Paddy’s Party”,心想这名字挺喜庆,应该不难。结果,差点没把我给绕进去! 点进去一看,好家伙,跟平常的活动还真不一样。平时不就是扔扔骰子,走走格子,收收租金嘛这个倒还得收集什么特殊道具,完成各种奇奇怪怪的任务。我这脑袋瓜子,嗡嗡的! 研究半天,总算是摸着点门道。这活动,主要就是让你在地图上到处转悠,收集那些个绿油油的小玩意儿。收集够,就能换点奖励,什么骰子,金币,还有些个稀奇古怪的道具。 重点来! 这活动里头,有些个格子是带特殊标记的。你踩上去,就能触发一些小游戏,赢的话,奖励更丰厚!我玩几把,还真别说,挺刺激的! 你得搞清楚活动的规则,别瞎玩一气。...
Okay, here’s my blog post about the “ajax vs marseille prediction” practice: So, I wanted to get into some football...
Okay, so today I wanted to mess around with Rex Hudler. Honestly, I didn’t know much about him other than...
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