Well, you young folks with your fancy phones and computers, you probably want to know all about that Phillies vs Oakland Athletics game, huh? And all those numbers and what they mean. Let me tell you, back in my day, we didn’t have all this fancy “stats” stuff. We just watched the game and knew who was playin’ good and who was playin’ bad. But alright, I’ll try my best to explain this “phillies vs oakland athletics match player stats” thing to you.

So, these Phillies, they’re from Philadelphia, I reckon. And the Athletics, they’re from Oakland, I heard. Far away, that Oakland. They play that baseball game, you know, the one with the bat and the ball. And they keep track of every little thing now. Every hit, every run, every… well, everything! It’s a lot to keep up with, I tell ya.
They got this thing called a “box score.” It’s like a list. A list of all the players and what they did in the game. If I am right, there is a man named Lawrence Butler, that guy hits three home runs, sounds like a good boy. This Phillies team, seems like they win a lot. I saw some numbers, 11-5, 4-2. Look like they are winning, good for them.
- They got these things called “home runs.” That’s when they hit the ball real far.
- And “runs.” That’s when they run around all the bases and score.
- Then there’s this “pitcher” fella. He throws the ball.
They got all sorts of names for these things. It ain’t like when I was young. We just knew who was strong and who could run fast. That was all that mattered. But these days, they got all these numbers to tell you who’s good. There’s this fella, they call him Tyler Phillips, they say he pitched into the seventh inning. Whatever that means. Must be a good thing, though, if they’re talkin’ about it.
This Oakland Athletics, seem like they have won some games in the past. I saw some years, like 1910, 1930, 1972, they won titles then. What are titles? I think it means they were the best that year. Good for them. It is a long time ago, hope they still remember how to play.
Now, they got all these fancy words for it, too. “Statistics,” they call it. And “metrics.” Sounds like something out of one of them science fiction shows, don’t it? But I guess it’s important to these young folks. They like to know every little detail. They say this Oakland Athletics team played the Phillies team many times, 13-14 record, what is that? Never mind, I don’t understand that.
They even got numbers for how many people watch the game! 41622, that’s a lot of folks! They say the game took 2:37, I don’t know what that means, maybe 2 hours and 37 minutes? That’s a long time to play a game. Back in my day, we played ’til the sun went down, no matter how long it took.
I heard them say the Phillies are going to the playoffs. I don’t know what playoffs are, but it sounds important. I think they have to win a lot of games to get there. They say they clinched it. Like they tied it up with a rope or something. These young people and their words!
They played on July 14, I think, I saw that somewhere. They played on other days too, I saw April 9, 2022, and July 12, too. They play a lot, these baseball players. It’s their job, I guess. Like how I used to work in the fields. Hard work, but honest work.

I don’t know what else to tell ya. This “phillies vs oakland athletics match player stats” thing is mighty complicated. All these numbers and names and words. But I guess if you’re into that sort of thing, it’s interesting. Me? I’d rather just watch the game and see who wins. That’s the important part, ain’t it? Who wins and who loses. Just like in life.
I think this Phillies team, they are good this year. I think they win a lot. But this Oakland Athletics team, they were good a long time ago. Maybe they will be good again. You never know. That is why they play the game, right? To see who will win. I hope they all have fun, that is the most important thing.
Well, I’ve talked your ear off long enough. Go on now, go look at your numbers and your “stats.” Just remember, it’s just a game. Don’t get too caught up in all that fancy stuff. Just enjoy it. That’s what I say.