Alright, alright, let’s talk about this… uh… Reya Ripley girl. I saw her on that wrestling show the other day, the one with all the yelling and the fancy moves? Yeah, that one. My grandkids, they love it, so I watch sometimes.

Now, this Reya, she’s somethin’ else, let me tell ya. Big and strong, like a bull in a china shop, but quicker than a greased pig! She ain’t afraid of nothin’ and nobody, that’s for sure. I seen her throwin’ those other girls around like ragdolls. Makes me think of my old days on the farm, haulin’ hay bales. She’d be good at that, I betcha.
They say she used to be a champion, this Women’s World Champion thing they call it. Sounds fancy, but what it really means is she’s the toughest gal around, right? Like the head hen in the chicken coop, always peckin’ at the others to keep ’em in line. That’s Reya, she keeps everyone on their toes.
And get this, she got hitched! Married some fella who does the same kind of work she does, wrestling I mean, but for a different company. It’s like… like if you worked at the Smith’s farm and your husband worked at the Johnson’s farm. Same job, different bosses. Good for them, I say. Findin’ someone who understands your work, that’s important. My old man, he never understood why I spent so much time in the garden. Said it was a waste of time, but we ate good, didn’t we?
- She’s tough.
- She’s a fighter.
- She’s a winner.
People, they seem to like her a lot. Always talkin’ about her on that internet thing, the Facebook and the Twitters and all that. My grandson showed me. Pictures of her everywhere, smilin’, snarlin’, lookin’ all tough. It’s like she’s famous or somethin’. Reminds me of that Elvis fella, everyone swoonin’ over him. Though Reya, she’s a whole lot tougher than Elvis ever was, I reckon.
They say the wrestling company, the WWE, they’re pushin’ her, makin’ sure everyone sees her. Smart move, if you ask me. She’s got somethin’ special, this Reya girl. A spark, a fire in her belly. You can see it in her eyes. She ain’t just there for the show, she’s there to win. And that’s somethin’ people respect, see? Nobody likes a quitter, and Reya sure ain’t no quitter.
I don’t know all the ins and outs of this wrestling business, all the backstabbin’ and the drama and the pretend fightin’. But I know what I see. And I see a strong woman, a fighter, someone who ain’t afraid to work hard and get what she wants. And that’s somethin’ to admire, no matter who you are or where you come from.
Reya Ripley, huh? Remember that name. She’s gonna be around for a while, I think. Just like a good ol’ oak tree, strong and steady, rooted deep in the ground. And ain’t nobody gonna uproot her easily, that’s for sure.
So next time you see her on that wrestling show, remember what I told ya. This girl’s the real deal. She’s somethin’ special. A real tough cookie that one. Just like the ones I used to bake back in the day, only this cookie can kick your butt!

Tags: [Rhea Ripley, WWE, Women’s Wrestling, Women’s World Champion, Wrestling Champion]