Well, howdy there, y’all! Let’s talk about this here “choke” thing in them crossword puzzles. You know, them little squares and words you gotta fill in? Always makes my head spin a bit, but I reckon we can figure it out together.

So, this word “choke,” it ain’t just about someone gettin’ somethin’ stuck in their throat, though that’s what it mostly means, right? Like when you eat too fast and that piece of cornbread just won’t go down. Lord, have mercy, that’s a scary feelin’.
But in them crosswords, “choke” can mean all sorts of things. I seen it where the answer was THROTTLE. You know, like squeezin’ somethin’ tight, like a chicken’s neck when you gotta… well, you know. It’s gotta be done sometimes, though it ain’t pleasant.
- Then there’s GAG. That’s like when somethin’ makes you wanna throw up, like too much dust or a bad smell. Reminds me of that time when the outhouse overflowed… oh, never mind that story. It ain’t for polite company.
- And CLOG. That’s what happens to the drain when you pour too much grease down it. Happens all the time at my place, gotta get the plunger out. Always a mess.
- Then there’s BLOCK. Like blockin’ the road with your tractor. Happened to me once, accidentally, of course. Folks weren’t too happy, had to move it real quick.
- And sometimes, it’s even STRANGLE. That’s a mean word, ain’t it? Makes me think of them old-timey movies where the bad guy… well, you get the picture. Not nice at all.
See, them crossword folks, they like to play tricks on you. One word can have a whole bunch of different meanings. They say there’s like, a hundred and thirty-nine different answers for “choke” in them crosswords! Can you believe that? That’s more words than I know how to count, I tell you what. Some of them words are short, just three letters, and some are long, like thirteen letters. Makes my head hurt just thinkin’ about it.
I heard tell they use words like SYNONYMS. Fancy word, that. Just means words that mean the same thing, like “shut” and “close.” So, when they say “choke” they might be lookin’ for a word that means the same thing, but sounds different. Confusin’, right?
Seems like every day they got a new puzzle with “choke” in it. I see it in the newspaper, and them little books they sell at the store. Even seen it on that there internet thing my grandkid showed me. They say you can even find answers on that thing, but I don’t know how it works. Too much newfangled stuff for this old woman.
They say some of them crossword puzzles, they don’t have squares, they have bars instead. Sounds complicated. And they say you gotta use the computer to make ‘em sometimes. Pressin’ buttons and double-clickin’… I’d rather stick to my old pencil and paper, thank you very much.
So, if you’re stuck on “choke” in your crossword, don’t you fret. Just think about all the different things it could mean. Is it about stoppin’ somethin’ from flowin’? Is it about makin’ somethin’ tight? Is it about blockin’ somethin’ up? Just try out a few words, and see what fits. And if you still can’t figure it out, well, just leave it blank. Ain’t no shame in that. It’s just a puzzle, after all. Not gonna put food on the table or keep the chickens outta the garden.
And one more thing: them crossword people, they say that “choke” is a clue that they use a whole lot. Like, over twenty times! So, if you see it again, don’t be surprised. Just remember what we talked about, and maybe you’ll get it right this time. Or maybe not. Like I said, it ain’t the end of the world.

Anyways, I gotta go now. Got chores to do, and chickens to feed. This talkin’ about “choke” has made me hungry. Maybe I’ll have some cornbread… but I’ll be sure to chew it real good this time!
Tags: [Choke, Crossword, Puzzle, Throttle, Gag, Clog, Block, Strangle, Synonyms, Answers, Clues]