Alright, so I wanted to figure out this whole trading thing in Madden 13. I’d heard whispers of some trick to make pretty much any trade happen, and I was itching to try it out. I’m no Madden expert, but I’m stubborn, so I dove in.

The Experiment Begins
First, I fired up the game and went straight into Franchise mode. Didn’t matter which team, I just wanted to test this out. I picked a random team, scrolled through their roster, and identified a player I wanted to get rid of – someone with a decent rating but not crucial to my, uh, “master plan.”
Then came the interesting part. I went to the trade screen and targeted a player I really wanted, a superstar from another team. Obviously, a straight-up trade for my mid-tier guy wasn’t gonna fly. That’s where the supposed “trick” comes in.
Adding the “Secret Sauce”
Instead of offering just my player, I started adding draft picks. And not just any draft picks, I went all in. I added my first-round pick, second-round pick, third-round pick – basically, every pick I could throw in there without the game yelling at me.
- Step 1: Find a player you want to trade away.
- Step 2: Target the superstar you want.
- Step 3: Load up the trade offer with a ridiculous number of draft picks.
The trade proposal looked insane. My mediocre player and a mountain of future picks for their star. I held my breath and hit the “propose trade” button, fully expecting the other team to laugh in my digital face.
The Shocking Result
But… they didn’t. They actually accepted the trade! I was stunned. I couldn’t believe it worked. My roster instantly got a massive upgrade, and all it cost me was a bunch of draft picks that I probably wouldn’t have used wisely anyway.
I tried it again, with a different player and a different team. Same result. It felt like I’d unlocked some cheat code. I went on a trading spree, basically rebuilding my team with superstars in a single afternoon.
Now, I’m not saying this is the “right” way to play Madden. It definitely felt a bit… cheesy. But it was undeniably effective. If you’re looking to shake things up and build a dream team quickly, this method is worth a shot. Just don’t tell anyone I told you.