Man, what a day today! Let me tell you about the rollercoaster of emotions I went through because of this Yankees game. So, I got these tickets a while back, super excited to see a game at the Yankee Stadium. It’s always a great experience, right?

Woke up this morning, checked the weather – looked a bit iffy, but hey, it’s New York, weather changes in a blink. Got to the stadium, found my seat, and the atmosphere was electric as always. You could feel the buzz in the air. Game starts, everything’s going great, Yankees are doing their thing. Then, bam! Dark clouds roll in, and you could just sense what was coming.
Sure enough, it starts pouring. Not just a light drizzle, but a proper downpour. So, there I was, along with thousands of other fans, waiting it out. The announcement came through, “rain delay”. Now, I’ve been to a few games in my life, but this was my first rain delay at Yankee Stadium. They gave umpires 30 minutes to decide whether to postpone or continue. And I kept waiting and waiting.
- First thing, everyone’s pulling out their phones, checking the weather updates, trying to figure out if we’re gonna see the end of the game or not.
- Then, you got people starting to leave, deciding they’ve had enough of waiting.
- But a good chunk of us stayed put, hoping for the best. It’s like, we’re all in this together, you know? A shared experience.
Time kept ticking by, and the rain showed no signs of stopping. We got an update around 7:36 p.m. ET. The game would restart at 8:30 p.m. ET. Finally, the game got going again just before the sixth inning. What a relief!
And you won’t believe who was due up at the plate – Christian Vazquez for the Twins, with Ian Hamilton on the mound for the Yankees. Talk about a dramatic return!
In the end, it was a long night, and let me tell you, those stadium seats aren’t exactly designed for long-term comfort. But, despite the delay and the whole waiting game, it was an experience. You don’t get these stories sitting at home, right?
Oh, and here’s a tip for anyone going to a game – those large umbrellas? Yeah, they’re a no-go in the stadium. Learned that the hard way, but luckily, I just had a small one. And get this, even if you buy a ticket and the game’s rained out, no refunds or exchanges. So, you’re kinda rolling the dice there.
But, all in all, it was a memorable day. Rain, waiting, baseball – it’s all part of the experience. And hey, it gives me a good story to tell, right? That’s my Yankee Stadium rain delay adventure. Not exactly how I pictured the day going, but hey, that’s life – full of surprises!
Yankees Rain Delay
It is a tough experience. But never throwing away your tickets if you have to leave early!