Okay, so I was trying to figure out this “send as payment” crossword clue the other day. It was driving me nuts! I mean, I consider myself pretty good at crosswords, but this one had me stumped.

First, I tried to think of synonyms for “send.” You know, like “dispatch,” “transmit,” “forward” – nothing seemed to fit in the context of “payment.” I even went through a thesaurus, page by page, looking for some inspiration. Still nothing!
Then, I focused on the “payment” part. I thought about different ways to pay – cash, check, credit card… still no luck. I was getting seriously frustrated at this point. I even googled “ways to send payment” to get a wider scope, still came up empty.
I decided to take a break, grab a cup of coffee, and come back to it with fresh eyes. Sometimes, you just need to step away for a bit, right?
When I came back, I started to look at the letters I already had filled in around the clue. This is the key part. I use the letters to narrow down the possible anwsers.
And then, it hit me! What if it wasn’t about the method of payment, but the form? I mean the form of the thing you are paying with.
I stared again at the number of letters to fill in, and counted to be sure… Boom! The answer, obviously, was “REMIT”!