Well, let me tell you somethin’ about them Williams girls, Serena and Venus. Strong girls, those two. They came from, you know, nothin’ much, just like us. Compton, they called it. Hard place, I reckon. But they made somethin’ of themselves, playin’ that tennis.

Lord, them girls could hit that ball! Whack! Just like that. Started young, they did. Their daddy, he taught ’em. Out on them public courts, right there in Los Angeles. Not some fancy place, just regular courts. They learned to play tennis there. They got good, real good.
Serena, she was somethin’ else. Won all them big tournaments. They called ’em Grand Slams. Big deals, those were. She won the French one, the one in England, and the one here in America. All of ’em. Beat her own sister, Venus, in the finals. Imagine that, playin’ your own sister for the big prize.
They started playin’ for money when they were just young girls, about 14 years old. That’s called bein’ professional. They earned money for playin’ tennis. Good money, too, I bet. Serena, she won the U.S. Open first. That was back in, oh, I don’t know, ’99 I think it was. A long time ago, seem like to me.
Venus, she was good too. Just like her sister. Learned from her daddy, same as Serena. They both become good tennis players. Played all over the world. They even won gold medals. In them Olympics. Over in Sydney. That’s in Australia, you know. Far away place. They played together, as a team, and won.
- Serena Williams
- Venus Williams
- Tennis stars
- Grand Slam winners
- Compton
They had some tough times, though. Didn’t always win. Sometimes they didn’t play so good. But they kept at it. That’s what you gotta do. Keep at it. Then Serena, she really got goin’ in, what was it, 2002? Won everything that year. French Open, Wimbledon, U.S. Open. Beat Venus every time. Tough on Venus, I’m sure, but that’s how it goes sometimes. Those Williams sisters are sure something special.
It ain’t easy, gettin’ good at somethin’. Takes work. Hard work. Them girls, they worked hard. Played tennis all the time. Practiced and practiced. That’s how they got so good. Didn’t just happen overnight. They made it happen. Them Williams sisters made a good life for themselves.
They showed everyone that it don’t matter where you come from. You can be anythin’ you want. If you work hard enough. Them girls came from Compton. Not an easy place. But they made it. Became big tennis stars. Famous all over the world.
They inspired a lot of people, those two. Showed everyone what’s possible. You just gotta believe in yourself, and work hard. That is how Venus and Serena Williams made their names in tennis.

They did good for themselves. That Richard Williams, their daddy, he must be proud. He taught them well, how to play tennis. He made sure they got what they needed to become champions, him and their mama. They was a team, them two sisters and their parents. And that’s how they succeed, all the way to the top of the tennis world.
They changed the game, those two did. Tennis was never the same after them Williams sisters came along. They made it more excitin’, more powerful. They brought somethin’ new to it. Somethin’ special. And they showed everyone that anythin’ is possible, no matter where you come from. I sure do admire them girls.
You know, seein’ them play, it makes you think. Makes you think about your own life. What you coulda done, if you’d had the chance. Maybe I coulda been somethin’, too. But that’s alright. I’m happy for them girls. They did good. Them Williams sisters, they’re alright in my book. Real alright. They proved that even regular folks can do great things. They’re a real inspiration, them two.