Okay, so today I was trying to solve this crossword, and I was stuck on one clue: “Tight end Rob.” I’m not gonna lie, I’m not the biggest football expert, but I do know a little bit.

First, I racked my brain trying to think of any famous tight ends named Rob. I was like, “Okay, Rob… Rob… who is Rob?” Nothing was coming to mind. I even started going through the alphabet in my head, like, “Rob… Roberts? Robertson? Nope, doesn’t ring a bell.”
My Process of Elimination
- Tried recalling famous players: I thought, “Okay, who are the big-name tight ends?” I could only think of a couple, and none of them were named Rob.
- Consider other things: Maybe it related to things other than football? Nope not a chance!
- Guessed a few times: I penciled in a few random names, just hoping I’d get lucky. No dice.
Then, I decided to use Google.I typed in “tight end rob” and boom! The name “Rob Gronkowski” popped right up, and I should say that all along, I’m yelling in my head: “you idiot”!
So, yeah, that’s how I figured out that crossword clue. It wasn’t my proudest moment, having to look it up, but hey, at least I got it done, right? Maybe I should brush up on my football knowledge.