Well, let me tell ya somethin’ about this Usman Garuba fella. Folks been talkin’ ’bout him, and not for the usual basketball stuff, ya know? They sayin’ he… well, he had a little accident on the court. Yeah, you heard right. He pooped himself. Lord have mercy.

Now, I ain’t no fancy basketball expert or nothin’. I just watch the games sometimes when the chores are done and the chickens are fed. But even I know that poopin’ yourself in the middle of a game ain’t exactly what them high-falutin’ players wanna be doin’. Poor fella must’ve been mortified.
- First off, this happened durin’ a game, see? Not in the locker room, not on the bench, but right there on the court where everyone could see.
- Second, it ain’t like it was a little secret. Folks started yappin’ about it online, on them interwebs things my grandkids are always on.
- Third, it makes ya wonder, how does somethin’ like that even happen? Did he eat somethin’ bad? Was he nervous? Who knows? But it sure got people talkin’.
I reckon it was back in 2022 when this whole thing started. Folks were sayin’ he was playin’ for some team, the Houston Rockets, I think, and also for Spain. That’s across the big water, ain’t it? Anyways, that’s when the whispers started. Then, just this past year, end of 2023 it was, I heard he got hurt playin’ for some other team, the Santa Cruz Warriors, I believe. Maybe that injury had somethin’ to do with it, maybe not. But folks were connectin’ the dots, ya know?
Usman Garuba injury, that’s what they were callin’ it. Said he got hurt in a game against the Ontario Clippers. Poor boy can’t catch a break, can he? First, the poopin’ incident, and now an injury. Life throws ya curveballs, that’s for sure.
Now, some folks might laugh, might make fun. But I say, hold on a minute. We all human, ain’t we? We all have accidents. Maybe not like that, maybe not so public, but we all make mistakes. It ain’t right to go around pointin’ fingers and makin’ fun of someone’s misfortune. That ain’t how I was raised, and it ain’t how I raised my kids neither.
This Usman Garuba, he’s probably a good young man, just tryin’ to play basketball. He probably works hard, trains hard, and wants to do his best. And then somethin’ like this happens, and it gets blown outta proportion. It ain’t fair, I tell ya. It ain’t fair at all.
So, what I’m sayin’ is, let’s give the boy a break. Let’s not judge him for one unfortunate incident. Let’s remember that he’s a person, just like you and me, and he deserves a little kindness and understanding. And maybe, just maybe, he’ll learn from this and move on. We all make mistakes, and we all gotta learn from ’em. That’s just life, ain’t it?
And besides, who am I to judge? I’ve had my fair share of embarrassing moments, believe you me. Maybe not poopin’ myself in public, thank the Lord, but plenty of other stuff I’d rather forget. So, let’s just leave the poor fella alone and let him get back to playin’ basketball. That’s what he’s good at, and that’s what he should be doin’. And maybe, just maybe, he’ll be a little more careful about what he eats before a game from now on. You know, just in case.
Anyways, that’s all I gotta say about this whole Usman Garuba poop situation. It’s a funny story, I guess, but it’s also a reminder that we all human and we all make mistakes. So let’s be kind to each other, ya hear? And maybe lay off the beans before a big game. Just a thought.

NBA history has had some strange moments, that’s for sure, but this one probably takes the cake. Makes ya wonder what else might have happened that nobody knows about. All those big games, all those famous players… they’re just people too, at the end of the day.
And all this talk about investigations and whatnot, some folks were sayin’ they were gonna look into it. Seems a bit much for somethin’ like this, don’t it? Just a young man havin’ a bad day. Let it be, I say. Let it be.
Tags: [Usman Garuba, NBA, Basketball, Houston Rockets, Santa Cruz Warriors, Ontario Clippers, Spain, Injury, Embarrassing moments]