Okay, so today I was messing around with this tennis match prediction thing, right? It’s about this guy, Thiago Seyboth Wild. Yeah, I didn’t know who he was either until today. I was curious to see if I could figure out how he’d do in his next matches. So, I started by digging up some info on this dude.

First, I checked out some recent matches he played. I found out he was going up against a guy named Stefanos Tsitsipas at this European Open thing. Most of the stuff I saw said Thiago had like a 25% chance of winning that one. Not great odds, but hey, everyone loves an underdog, right?
Then, I looked at another match he had coming up, this one in Lisbon. He was playing some guy named Henrique Rocha. Apparently, they’d never played each other before, so that was kind of a wild card. I couldn’t really get a good read on how that one would go, but it sounded interesting.
After that, I saw that Thiago was also playing at the Winston-Salem Open. He was going against a player named Learner Tien. I saw some numbers next to their names, like Thiago was ranked 69 and Tien was 230. I’m guessing lower numbers are better, so that seemed like a good sign for Thiago. Maybe he had better odds in this game.
Then things got even wilder, because then I find out this Thiago guy is supposed to play a certain James Duckworth, and most places were saying Duckworth had a 55% chance of winning. So, it seems like Thiago’s chances were all over the place, depending on who he was playing. Maybe he is not that good? I don’t really know…
Finally, I found something about a match in Shanghai, where Thiago was supposed to play Daniel Evans. They had all these numbers and odds and stuff, but honestly, it was a bit much for me to follow. So I just roughly checked the odds of him winning.
So, what did I actually achieve today? Well, I learned a bit about this Thiago Seyboth Wild guy and got a very rough idea of how he might do in some upcoming matches. It’s not like I’m suddenly a tennis expert or anything, but it was a fun little experiment. I guess we’ll just have to wait and see how he actually does in these matches. I have no clue how he would actually do in his games, I’ll come back after his matches and let you know.