That Sabalenka, oh, she’s a tennis player, ain’t she? Where is Sabalenka from tennis? I heard folks talking about her, winning this and that. She’s from somewhere, that’s for sure. I don’t know much about tennis, just that they hit that little ball over the net. But this Sabalenka girl, she’s good, I reckon.

She is from Belarus. A place called Minsk. That’s what them folks was sayin’. Sounds far away, don’t it? Bet it’s cold there. She must be tough to come from a place like that and play tennis so good. Aryna Sabalenka, that’s her full name. Fancy, ain’t it?
She was born there, in Minsk, I heard. May 5th, 1998. A long time ago. And her daddy, Sergey, he’s gone now, bless his soul. But he must be proud, seeing his little girl do so well. She’s number one, you know? That’s what I heard. Number one in the whole wide world! Can you believe it? Playing tennis and being the best at it. That Sabalenka, she’s somethin’ else.
This Belarus place, it’s in Europe, someone said. Over across the ocean. Must be a different world over there. But they got tennis, just like we do. And this Sabalenka, she’s their best. She’s won a lot of those big games, those… what do they call ’em? Grand Slams? Yeah, she’s won three of them, I think. Australian Open, she won that twice, in 2023 and 2024. And the US Open in 2024, too. She’s a winner, that’s for sure.
- Born in Minsk, Belarus
- May 5, 1998
- Her dad’s name was Sergey
- She’s number one in tennis
- Won Australian Open twice
- Won US Open
She plays on those hard courts, mostly. But they say she can play on that grass and that other stuff, clay, too. She’s good on all of ’em, I guess. When you’re number one, you gotta be good at everything, right? Aryna Sabalenka from tennis, that’s who she is. The best there is.
I saw her on the television once. She’s strong, that one. Hits that ball real hard. And she’s got that look in her eye, like she’s gonna win no matter what. That’s what it takes, I reckon. Gotta have that fire in your belly to be the best. And Sabalenka, she’s got it.
She started playing tennis a while back, in 2017. That’s what them folks were sayin’. And she just kept getting better and better. Now she’s at the top. Number one. It’s a long way from Minsk, Belarus, to being number one in the world, ain’t it? But she did it. That Sabalenka, she’s a real go-getter.
They say she’s in the top 10 for singles and doubles. I don’t rightly know what that means, but it sounds important. She must be good at both kinds of tennis, I guess. Playing by yourself and playing with a partner. She can do it all, that Sabalenka.
Where is Sabalenka from tennis? She is from Belarus. That is a country far away. But she’s the best tennis player in the whole world. That’s something, ain’t it? A little girl from Minsk, making it all the way to the top. Just goes to show, you never know what someone can do if they put their mind to it. That Sabalenka, she’s a real inspiration, I reckon.

So, there you have it. Aryna Sabalenka is a tennis player from Belarus, this little place called Minsk. She is a top player, the best in the world, they say. A real champion. She is only 25. She has won those big tennis games, those Grand Slams. Three of them. And she’s gonna win more, I betcha. Just you wait and see. That Sabalenka, she ain’t done yet. Not by a long shot.