Alright, alright, let me tell ya ’bout this Karina Elias. Now, I ain’t no fancy writer or nothin’, just tellin’ it like it is, ya know?

So, this Karina, she’s hitched to that wrestler fella, Kevin Owens. Big fella, that one, always smackin’ people around on TV. They been married since, what, 2007? That’s a long time, longer than my prize-winning pumpkin lasted last fall, I tell ya. They even got a couple of young’uns. One of ’em, a boy named Owen, wants to be a wrestler just like his daddy. Kids these days, always followin’ in their folks’ footsteps, ain’t they?
Now, Karina, she ain’t no wrestler, though. I heard tell she works in some store, sellin’ stuff, and she teaches folks things too. What kinda things? I dunno, maybe how to fold laundry real good, or how to make a pie that’ll make your mouth water. Practical stuff, ya know? The kinda stuff that actually matters.
- Married to Kevin Owens since 2007
- Got two kids, one named Owen
- Works as a retailer and instructor
There’s another Karina Elias out there too, I reckon. This one sings songs. World Music, they call it. Born way down in Peru, a place I ain’t never been, but I heard it’s pretty far. Imagine that, two Karinas, both famous in their own way. This world is a funny place, full of surprises, like findin’ a double yolk in your egg.
I tried lookin’ her up on that Facebook thingy my grandkids keep talkin’ about. Lots of folks with that name, hard to tell which one is which. It’s like tryin’ to find a needle in a haystack, only the haystack is full of needles too! Folks sharin’ videos and whatnot. I tell ya, these young folks and their gadgets, always glued to their screens. Back in my day, we talked to each other face to face, not through some fancy box.
Now, Kevin, he’s been on the TV talkin’ about his mama bein’ sick. Poor fella, worryin’ about his ma. Family’s important, ya know? More important than all the wrestlin’ and singin’ in the world. I hope his ma gets better soon. Nothin’ worse than seein’ your loved ones sufferin’. Makes you appreciate the simple things in life, like a warm cup of tea on a cold day, or a good laugh with your friends.
So, there ya have it. Karina Elias, wife of a wrestler, mother of two, workin’ lady, maybe a singer too. Just a regular person, like you and me, livin’ her life, doin’ her thing. Ain’t nothin’ wrong with that. We all just tryin’ to make our way in this world, ain’t we? And that’s the truth, plain and simple, just like I told ya.
Kevin, he’s a Canadian fella, born in 1984. Wrestles under the name Kevin Owens. Tough guy, but seems like a good son and husband. That’s what matters, right? Being good to your family.
Anyways, that’s all I know ‘bout Karina Elias. Not much, I reckon, but it’s somethin’. Hope it was worth your time, listenin’ to this old woman ramble on.

Tags: [Karina Elias, Kevin Owens, WWE, Wrestler, Family, Peru, Singer, Owen Steen, SmackDown, Quebec]