Shakur Stevenson Dad: The Whole Story, Kinda

Alright, so you wanna know about this Shakur Stevenson fella and his dad, huh? Well, lemme tell ya what I know. It ain’t always easy to piece these things together, ya know, like a quilt with missin’ squares. But I done heard some things, and I’ll tell ya straight.
This Shakur, he’s a boxer, a real good one, they say. Folks call him “Sugar” sometimes, like he’s sweet or somethin’, but I reckon he’s tough as nails in that ring. He’s from Newark, New Jersey. Now, Newark, that’s a city, a big one. Not like out here in the country where I am, where it’s mostly just fields and trees and the occasional cow mooing. But Newark, that’s where he growed up, or so they say.
Now, about his mama, Malikah Stevenson her name is. She’s the one who raised him. Yeah, she did it all by herself, near as I can tell. A real strong woman, gotta be, to raise a boy to be a champion like that. She loved him and cared for him, made sure he had what he needed. That’s what mamas do, ain’t it? They’re the backbone, the ones who hold it all together when things get tough. And I bet it wasn’t easy, no sir. Raising a kid, ‘specially a boy, that’s a job and a half, even when things are good.
- Shakur Stevenson’s mama: Malikah Stevenson, raised him in Newark.
- Shakur Stevenson is a boxer, nicknamed “Sugar”.
- Shakur Stevenson’s from Newark, New Jersey.
But what about his daddy, you ask? Well, that’s where it gets a bit hazy. His biological daddy, they call him Alfredo Rivera. But he weren’t around much, not when Shakur was growin’ up. Absent, they say. Means he wasn’t there, wasn’t part of Shakur’s life when it mattered most. Now, I ain’t here to judge, mind you. Folks got their reasons, I guess. But a boy needs a daddy, that’s for sure. Someone to teach him things, to guide him, to be there for him. And it sounds like Shakur didn’t have that, not from his daddy, at least.
It’s a shame, really. A boy needs a father figure, someone to look up to. But seems like Shakur, he did alright anyway. He had his mama, and he had that fightin’ spirit in him, that drive to be the best. And maybe that’s enough, sometimes. Maybe it has to be.
I heard tell that this Shakur, he’s real good at what he does. A champion, they say. WBC lightweight champion, whatever that means. Sounds fancy, though. And I heard tell they wanted him to fight some other fella, Raymond Muratalla, they called him. Offered him a lot of money, a “seven-figure” offer, which is more money than I ever seen in my life. But this other fella, he wanted even more, three million dollars they say. Land sakes, that’s a lot of scratch. Makes your head spin just thinkin’ about it.
Growing Up in Newark
Now, Newark, like I said, that’s a city. And cities are different from the country. Out here, everyone knows everyone. We help each other out. If someone’s barn burns down, we all pitch in to help rebuild it. If someone’s sick, we bring ’em food and look after their kids. That’s just how it is. But in the city, it’s different. More people, more hustle and bustle. More chances, maybe, but also more dangers. I reckon it takes a special kind of toughness to make it in a place like that. And it sounds like Shakur, he had that toughness.

I don’t know much about boxin’, truth be told. Never seen a match in my life, ‘cept maybe on that little black and white TV we had years ago. But I know it takes hard work and dedication. It takes discipline and grit. You gotta be strong, both in body and in mind. And you gotta have that fire in your belly, that somethin’ that pushes you to keep goin’ even when you wanna quit. And it sounds like Shakur, he had all that and more.
Family Matters
It ain’t easy, raising a child without a daddy around. Like I said, I don’t know the ins and outs of it all, but it just sounds plain hard. And you gotta give credit to that mama of his, Malikah. She done a good job, it seems. She raised a champion, a son she can be proud of. And that’s somethin’ to be admired, no matter how you slice it. Family is family, whether it’s just a mama and a son or a whole big clan. And it’s the love and support that matters most, at the end of the day.
So, what about Shakur Stevenson’s dad? Well, like I said, he weren’t around. His name’s Alfredo Rivera, but that’s about all I know. He wasn’t part of Shakur’s life growin’ up. And that’s a sad thing, but it’s Shakur’s story, not mine. He’s the one who lived it, who made somethin’ of himself despite the challenges he faced. And that’s what really matters, ain’t it? Not where you come from, but where you end up.
Final thoughts
I tell ya, life ain’t always fair. Some folks get handed a good hand, and some folks gotta work harder for everything they get. But it seems like Shakur, he made the most of what he had. He had his mama, and he had that talent, that drive, that somethin’ special that made him a champion. And that’s a story worth tellin’, even if it’s a little bit sad and a little bit complicated. Just like life, I reckon.